Di tengah keadaan Indo yg ribut karena begitu BANYAK box office movie dari Amerika enggak bisa masuk Indonesia,setidaknya ada satu titik terang yg sedikit menghibur masyarakatnya,yaitu Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2.
Sedikit????Who am I kidding?! Ya sangat menghibur banget lah ya!!!!
So, I reaaaaaalllly have to thank my pal since 2nd grade in elemantary school, Evelyne (twitter @VleenSasta). No, really, dia berperan sangat besar dalam kejadian ini. Karena rumahnya seberangan sama Mall Kelapa Gading, si Vleen berhasil ikutan ngantri Pre-sale tiketnya di MKG. Akhirnya, Vleen pun berhasil mendapatkan 6 tiket nonton HP7 jam 15:15 di bagian B. How sweet is that?!
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="294" caption="Vleen, the person who made watching HP7 part 2 possible! ;D"]
For the record this review comes from a person who only read the 1st book and then continued to follow HP via movie adaptation. Jadi, gue enggak akan mencoba membandingin sama novelnya. It's a pure from what I saw.
Jujur ya, selama ini gue bukan fansnya film Harpot karena gue enggak terlalu terkesan sama tujuh film Harpot sebelumnya. The 1st was okay, 2nd can be tolerated,3rd is confusing,4th is exciting because i got to know Robert Pattinson for the 1st time,5th was boring and so as 6th,then 7th part 1 was okay. Nothing special really. So i don't set my expectation too high for Harpot 7 part 2. I just want to see our lovely ahjussi, Professor Severus Snape,who is the reason I follow Harpot(ukyaa, he's so lovely!).
Ada beberapa pikiran selama gue berada di bioskop nonton film ini:
1. DAMN YOU, DAVID YATES! YOU FREAKIN' AWESOME DIRECTOR! You made the best adaptation of Harry Potter. Bow to you banget, seperti yg dikatakan salah satu IMDB user(gue setuju banget sama pendapat ini!!):
Yet he reserves the most emotional moment in the film for Severus Snape's (Alan Rickman) vindication, long thought to be the Judas Iscariot-equivalent in the Order and the one who pushed Dumbledore to his death. Yates delivers a truly poignant and deeply heartfelt revelation of Snape's true colours, and it is a farewell that even those who have read the book and can expect what is to come will be overwhelmed by its sheer emotional muscle. While Part II was always meant to be an action-packed spectacle, it is to Yates' credit that there is still as much heart as before in the storytelling.
2. I love Alan Rickman and Helena Bonham Carter even more.
3. Why can't Harry Potter die in the 1st place, so Severus won't die? hahaha, biyane yo, Harpot-fans.
1. Karena gue enggak ngebaca novelnya, ada beberapa scene yang bikin gue rada bingung, kayak si Ravenclaw, atau apa yang terjadi sama si cewek yg ada di lukisan itu.
2. JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER(Gellert Grindelwald) RAIB!!Jamie tuh juga alasan kenapa gue pengin nonton harpot 7. Gue udah menantikan banget munculnya orang ini karena menurut IMDB, dia juga main di bagian ke2. Tapi MANA?MANA? Oh,man, jangan bilang nasibnya sama kayak Si Robert Pattinson pas main Vanity Fair. Jangan2 scenenya Jamie Bower di-cut gara-gara takut filmnya kelamaan...hiyaaa
Highlights of ultimate things that I love from the movie:
1. SEVERUS SNAPE SCENES! Pas dia ngancem murid-murid Hogwards, gue lemes dan terlena. Terus gue nangis pas dia mati dan dikasih liat flashbacks Snape. Shit,man!!! Si Alan Rickman berhasil ngasih lihat sisi 'gentle' dan rapuhnya Snape! Gue sampe enggak tega ngeliat si Snape mohon-mohon Dumbledore buat ngelindungin si Lily. So sweet habis! And to know that Snape peduli sama Harpot gara-gara cintanya atas Lily... Damn! Nikahi aku,Snape. hahaha.
2. Saat patung-patung prajurit jadi hidup dan turun dari fasad Hogwards. Seriously, I got chills. CGInya bagus deh. Saking merindingnya ngeliat usaha orang-orang di Hogwards untuk bikin medan pelindung dan prajuritnya pada ke barisan depan semua, gue langsung berpikir, "It's like war scene between Narnians and Queen Jadis troops all over again. SO COOL,Bikin merinding dan pasti bakal seru."
3.“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love. By returning, you may ensure that fewer souls are maimed, fewer families are torn apart. If that seems to you a worthy goal, then we say good-bye for the present.” by Albus Dumbledore. Kebetulan sebulan yang lalu gue nonton interview J.K. Rowling di Oprah. I learned that writing Harpot is Rowling's way to overcome her desperation and her mother's dead. Jadi, saat gue mendengar quotes ini, gue merasa connected sama J.K.Rowling dan menurut gue quotes itu adalah pep-talk yang baik buat orang yang baru aja kehilangan orang-orang yang mereka sayangi karena meninggal.
Surprising Moments:
1. Setelah tranformasi Ron Weasly dari 'bertampang dodol' menjadi 'bertampang-dodol-tp-entah-kenapa-terlihat-manly-dan-cool", gue kembali dikejutkan oleh Nevile Longbottom. Who would've thought that the geeky boy turned out to be one of the hottest British boys?! I know I didn't. Okay, mungkin gue agak sedikit lebai ya. Di filmnya sendiri, si Neville masih kelihatan rada goblok gitu, tapi gue sama temen gue (Silphee) telah setuju kalau tambah brewok sedikit,tambah berotot dikiiit aja, decent clothes, and BAM.. HE'S A ONE HOT BRITISH MAN! Ternyata gue bener...hihihi
here another proof :D
2.Moving along to surprising things: 19 YEARS LATER SCENE. I'm expecting that the older version would be played by another actors. Boy, how wrong I was.Ternyata versi dewasanya juga diperanin sama orang-orang yang sama juga. Dan yang pemenang versi dewasa paling unyu jatuh kepada Ron Weasley! Suer, unyu banget, gue sampe enggak peduli sama versi dewasa yang lain. Mana perutnya buncit gitu lagi... aaaa,kawaii XD
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Ron + 19 years older + Beer Belly haha"]