Okee lanjuuut :D
Couple of days later I received a surprise package from L'Oreal. Seriously, a surprise. Because from e-mail that was sent to me, L'Oreal would sent my a mask to be reviewed. And yet, what I received was this:
a beach bag and L'Oreal UV PERFECT MAT SPF 30.
Waa kebetulan banget. Gue dari kemarin lagi rencana mau beli sunscreennya buat muka. Eh, dapet gratisan. Berkat terindah (setelah ditraktir sama Ibu Pendeta ketika gue mau mendekam bikin CAD di Begawan Solo Coffee) deh :D.
Kenapa gue lagi ngebet ingin beli Sun screen? I learned that sun screen is important for you to prevent you from aging or having skin cancer (you can read the rest here). Though gue udah lama tahu ini, tapi selama ini rada males pakainya. Basically, because it gets sticky to my face dan rasanya muka ini mau jatoh saking lapisan di muka bertambah 'berat'. Tapi karena akhir-akhir ini lagi concern tentang skin care, gue ingin bertobat. hahaha
So here's a little information about the product:
My Thought
I love its packaging. It comes in squeeze tube. I don't need to shake it like crazy just to make the liquid comes out(seperti nasib skinfood emulsion gue yang susah banget dikeluarin isinya -___-"). Penutupnya cukup sekali diputar dan langsung ke buka. Praktis, I like it.
Warnanya cocok buat kulit gue yang cenderung fair. Teksturnya enggak seperti tipikal sunscreen pada umumnya, as in not too kental. Instead, teksturnya lumayan cair. Begitu diaplikasikan ke kulit, it blends nicely to my skin. It also gives my skin a radiant look. And guess what? Ringan dan enggak lengket di kulit gue :D
[caption id="attachment_1295" align="aligncenter" width="529" caption="Kalau yang terakhir kesannya putih glowy terlalu lebai,maafkan keabalan 9700 dengan flashlightnya yang woohoo. What can i say? Sekarang cuma punya slr.Taking picture with only one tiny hand to support one big slr,agak keberatan buat tangan gue _l7o"]
Untu baunya,menurut gue cukup bagus karena enggak terlalu menyengat. Baunya kayak Nivea cleansing cream, lembut gitu .
It's sweat proof. So when you're sweating, the product won't come off so easily.
The minus point : It still gets a lil' bit oily when I'm sweating. However,berminyak dan mengkilapnyanya enggak separah seperti waktu gue mencoba pakai sunscreen lidah buaya keluaran Korea itu. Kalau yang itu sih parah banget. Gue sampe disindir,mukanya mengkilap habiss T___T
Will I recommend to other people? I think I will. It blends nicely, smells good, weight lighter than any sunscreen product I've tried,not sticky,and gives protection to your skin. Saat gue cek harganya di internet, harganya cukup terjangkau kok, sekitar Rp 95000,00 (ngelirik blognya K'Carnellin)
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