It's 20th Anniversary L'arc~en~Ciel Live in Concert. Okay so it's just a screening. But hey, walaupun enggak sanggup ke jepang langsung untuk nonton Konser 20TH ANNIVERSARY L'ARC~EN~CIEL,nonton bareng 500 penggemar lainnya XX1 Epicentrum cukup memuaskan buat gue. Kapan lagi bisa teriak2 labil di dalem bioskop sambil nyanyi-nyanyi?
After a quick visit at On l Off Bloggers Party, I went to Epicentrum XXI as fast as I could. If you read the previous post, you'd know that I wore a gray tank top. However, i thought my outfit wouldn't match the occasion.
So I decided to go a lil bit groupie mode..okay,I admit it, ngalay mode. I changed my girly girl outfit into 'SMILE' T-Shirt!! XD
- The Smile Shirt XD
The show started on 5.05 pm.. I think they wanted to play this screening when the real concert was also started , almost in the same time.Yes, darlings, my lucky big sis is attending the same concert in Japan (with the real band members in it) on 6 pm JST.
However, the screening in Jakarta wasn't that bad. On the other hand, it was AWESOME!!!
They're almost 500 people attended this event. The theater was packed and as the show had started, we went wild!! wooho.
Okay,so since the officials asked us not to record any kind of recording during the show, I didn't take any picture in 2 hours. It was a hard thing to do because Hyde and Ken looked so adorable and cool. Moving on!!
The film we're watching was the recording of May 28-29th concert in Ajinomoto Stadium. My friends and I sat in D-row, I think we got the comfortable ones. Each person also got light sticks so we could shake it while watching the concert. Ceritanya sih enggak mau kalah sama yang di Singapore. haha.
I got chills soon after Laruku members arrive at the stadium. Has no special feeling for Ken and Yuki,though . But I got overexcited seeing Tetsu (udah lama enggak liat penampakan cowok ini XD). I want to hug Hyde and laugh at him at the same time. Hyde came out with Captain Jack from Pirates of Caribean look. I'm serious! The jacket, those loose pants, smokey eyes, and that long BRAIDED hair!! It's so Captain Jack! haha.
We're-especially in A,B,and D row-- so excited about the show, I think those rows had the most active viewers (narsis geto deh).People in row A&B are the only group who watched it while standing. And in row D, the people shakes their light stick the most often. As for my pals and I,we're so excited during the concert, all of us often dropped our own light stick when shaking the sticks (dengan semangat api membara,seliar api2 yang muncul di panggung haha). Cindy dropped them thrice, Evelyn and Silphe once, and me? Twice. The first time. it went straight to kolong kursi gue sampai gue susah mau ngambilnya. The second time, I almost threw it to the people who sat behind me.. ;D
From all of the songs they performed, I have my own favorites:
1. Blurry Eyes.. They mixed its intro with carousel music. Sweet carousel music, then cool hard rock guitar. AAA, so cool. Agak labil, but still cool. And i get to sing along,too.
2. Ready Steady GO! I went nuts once the song was played. I think this is one of the songs which lyrics I memorized the most. Udah bukan ikutan nyanyi lagi. Gue Teriak-teriak saking labilnya. When Hyde asked , "Ready." I said, "READY" which actually means, "Aku siap dikawinin sama temen kamu,si Tetsu!" *inget,Jo. Udah nikah mungkinnn
3. NIJI. Bener-bener gue mau menggila. I LOVED this song so much because this is the OST for Rurouni Kenshin the movie, the number 1 anime in my favorite anime list. In my personal opinion, this performance would be perfect if they played trailer of Rurouni Kenshin Live Action which from what I heard will be aired next year. XD
4. Flower. In this performance, all of the fans in the theater raised their light stick and swing it synchronously with the fans from the screen. We're like fused with fans from Japan. At that moment,I honestly felt like I was in the VIP seats in Ajinomoto Stadium watching the concert. :)
5. Hitomi No Juunin.. This is a song I played for my Lullaby when I was in Junior High. Hyde's voice in this song was soooo soothing and sexy.
6. Stay away.
7. Good Luck My Way. A new song from them for 2011. Still unfamiliar with the song, but already loved it. Nothing can beat the uniqueness of J-music that mixed with orchestra. Oh and the cuteness when Hyde danced haha
8. Bless, a right song to end this movie. Because it didn't have english subtitle in it, I was kind guessing what Hyde was talking about before ending the show. From what I gathered, he thanked the fans for being there and loyally listened to the concert thought it was raining. He almost cried when he said it. Aww,so sweet !! XD Hyde, Tetsu,I feel blessed for this opportunity to watch them in this particular event.
My favourite moments (with no particular order):
1. Hyde lying on the floor. He put up some sexy poses and sexy gaze.. Aaaa!He's so adorable~ Thanks to Cameramen-san who's kind enough to make Hyde's close up shots..
2. Hyde embrace Tetsu and let Tetsu sang with Hyde's mike. So sweet XD
3. The way Hyde dancing on his own while singing the upbeat song. Hontou ni kawaii!!! XD
4. It's raining during the show, yet Laruku still performed with such passion. Ken stepped out of the tent and playing the guitar sambil nendang-nendang genangan air dan geleng-geleng kepala.. Mengingatkan gue sama iklan shampoo dan MV MBLAQ "Cry" (of course minus the guitar ) XD
5.At the end of the concert, Yuki stepped up into giving the victory pose. Haduh agak gaje dia, haha.
6. Also at the end of the concert, Tetsu gave the other band member a banana. Oh he doesn't stop there,guys. He went for while, then came back with a basket full of bananas. Then he kissed the bananas before threw them to the fans... AAAAAA, aku juga mau pisangnya!!! XD
Things I wish could happen during the screening that would make the day more than perfect:
1.I wish we could watch it in 3D so that when Hyde and Tetsu throw their stuffs to the Audience, kita bisa nadahin tangan seakan-akan benda-benda itu beneran dilempar ke kita. Hahaha.
2. At the end of the screening, Laruku member came out as a surprise for us. Hahaha,too much? Ya kaleeee, Larukunya kan lagi konser di Jepang juga,Jo!!! Oh well, though we don't have real Laruku on the stage, VJ Daniel Mananta is our guess star for tonight.
- Yang tengah kayak kenal :p
Oh yeah, before I end this post with a couple of pictures, I would like to thank these people first:
1. @satoru_kara who's kind enough to booked the ticket for us :D We love you,Kara XD
2. Sony Music Indonesia
4. Cielers Indonesia.
5. OF COURSE, L'arc~en~ciel themselves. I wish when Laruku watch there are at least 2000 Indonesia fans (4 screenings @500people) that came for this screening, they will have their concert here, too, next year. AMIIIIN.
- 4.20 pm, people started showing up at the venue
- Ticket Booth
- Arise Haruna, Talitha Kara and Yuuta Kun
- Me with @Vleen_Sasta
So that was my report for 20th Anniversary L'arc~en~Ciel Concert here in Jakarta, Indonesia. Before we went home, how about a photo session in front of ON l OFF background (saking siangnya hectic banget sampai enggak sempet foto)? xixixixi
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