Saturday, December 10, 2011

Joan Loves.... December (1) : Holiday in Handcuffs

Hey,The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year has come again, Christmas!!! Yay!!

So I think It's a good idea to post about things that I love during  December. You to cheer me up because in this year Xmas and New Year, gue masih harus berkutat sama UAS.

No.. Santa Clause won't be on any of my posts because I'm not a fan of his. Don't get me wrong, I used to believed in Santa Clause. But as I'm growing up, I realized one thing. How sad it is to see a day that originally is exist to celebrate the birth of Jesus has being capitalized with Santa Clause? I know I'm sad. I mean, as you can see, nowadays public place christmas decorations are all about Santa Clause. Meet and greet with Santa Clause. Employees wearing Santa's Hat. Come on guys, where are the manger, Maria, Joseph, shepperds, lambs, and most importantly our lovely Baby Jesus? Even for once, I would love to see malls are decorated with Bethlehem themed.

Okay,moving on.

Let's start with light and simple thing first.

Hal yang gue suka saat bulan Desember adalah film-film yang berbau Christmas, terutama yang chick flick gitu. I love to see people are falling in love in Christmas. Too sweet to be skipped, y'know. That's why I love  romantic TV movie which related to it.

One of my favorite Cheesy Cheesy Chick Flicks would be

 Holiday in Handcuffs

Film ini berceritakan tentang Trudie (Melissa Joan Hart) yang  dicampakkan oleh Nick, pacarnya, pada Malam Natal. Kehilangan pacar itu membuat Trudie sangat panik karena pacarnya itu sangat sempurna untuk dipamerkan ke orangtuanya. You know, the typical tall,dark,handsome,and rich. Pacarnya itu adalah satu-satunya jalan keluar supaya dia tidak dijadikan kambing hitam sebagai  'Perusak Natal' saat acara keluarganya nanti setelah  Trudie  kehilangan kesempatan job interview dan pekerjaan sebagai pelayan di hari yang sama.

Saking desperatenya, Trudie pun nekad menodong, David(Mario Lopez)  pengunjung kafe tempat Trudie bekerja, dan menculik si cowok untuk dibawa ke log cabin tempat acara keluarga Trudie akan diadakan. Crazy lies yang diucapkan Trudie kepada orangtuanya berhasil membuat  David gagal meyakinkan keluarga Trudie bahwa dia diculik dan dia bukan Nick.

Suatu saat, David berhasil menelepon calon tunangannya untuk meminta bantuan.David memutuskan untuk berpura menjadi pacar bohongan Trudie yang sempurna. Maksudnya, ketika semua tindakan Trudie terbongkar, orang tuanya akan semakin memarahi Trudie.

It's not the greatest or the best movie Hollywood ever made. It's a typical romantic TV Movie. But hey,since I'm a hopeless romantic, i'm fine with this kind of movie.Maybe it's too simple, but still got my attention. And it's not that bad.

Gue udah ngakak sejak melihat Melissa Joan Hart di awal film. Dengan perm gagal itu berhasil membuat Melissa beneran kayak serial killer. Enggak heran sih kalau Mario Lopez freaked gitu. Crazy hair,crazy eyes,sweet persuasive talking, crazy acts, gue juga serem kalee XD

However it's a sweet story.

I can relate to Trudie. Gue ngerti banget rasanya berasa paling berbeda daripada anggota keluarga. Orang tua yang sangat membanggakan anak-anaknya yang lain. I used to feel that.  I,too, see the similarities with Trudie in personality department. Basically, I'm Trudie minus the wonderful art talent and Mario Lopez as my  boyfriend. haha

Speaking of boyfriend, who doesn't want the hot Mario Lopez become her boyfriend?! He's freaking adorable,cute,handsome, and don't let me start to talk about his toned body. Yummy! XD

But seriously, it's a sweet romantic story for Christmas Holiday. It also shows us to be open to your own family so we can understand each other better. It's better than act as if nothing happened for years. In fact that kind of thing actually making you disconnected with your family. And we don't want that because people come and go, but family and friends will be the one who stay with you forever. (apa siiih lu,jooo)

Oh ya, apakah gue berhasil membuat yang membaca ini tertarik untuk nonton? Kalau yang penasaran, silahkan aja cari di Family Fox atau Diva. Dua channel itu cukup sering menayangkan Holiday in Handcuffs. Kemarin aja gue nonton film ini untuk ke sepuluh kalinya. xixixixi

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