Saturday, March 31, 2012

Tentang drama....

Dari dulu gue suka dan tertarik banget sama dunia akting. Makanya sejak kecil, gue suka banget kalo disuruh main drama. Setiap ada kesempatan,entah itu drama buat Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, maupun drama kecil-kecilan buat acara gereja, gue seneng kalau diminta berakting. Kalo perlu, gue juga yang bikin naskah dramanya. (Ayo siapa yang pernah jadi korban naskah drama gue?ngelirik temen-temen kelas 2 dan 3 SMP gue, serta anak tanggung sekolah minggu jaman baheula haha).

Gara-gara itu pula waktu SMP , gue akhirnya ikutan ekstrakuliler Drama. Sayang banget, semasa gue ikutan ekskul ini, belum ada 1 pertunjukan pun yang berhasil ditampilkan. Biasa, masalah dana dan bentrok sama jadwal lain-lain. Padahal kita udah latihan gitu. Udah pake naskah dengan bahasa yang sangat teater dan simbolis. Udah merencanakan mau kayak gimana pas tampil. Eh,enggak jadi tampil.

Karir drama gue juga agak stuck setelah SMP. Pas menginjak SMA, kegiatan ini enggak tersedia. Lebih miris lagi pas kuliah. Oke,oke, sebenarnya gue bisa aja ikutan UKM teater. Masalahnya kuliah gue ngajak enggak tidur demi PA.Yah, jadi selama SMA hingga sekarang , minat gue dalam bidang akting ini cuma bisa tersalurkan saat ada acara Natal dan Paskah aja. Gue sih seneng-seneng aja. Tapi, kadang-kadang gue kasian sama para jemaat di gereja gue. Pasti mereka rada bosan juga ngeliatin gue jadi pemain drama hampir tiap tahun.

 Gimana enggak bosan? Setiap drama di gereja yang gue mainkan, gue selalu kedapatan peran antagonis. Ya jadi kakak yang sok lah, jadi iblis lah, jadi mahasiswa slengean, jadi ibu-ibu galak, jadi ibu-ibu arisan yang manfaatin temen,dan sejenisnya.  Itu juga yang bikin gue bingung. Padahal di kehidupan sehari-hari, gue ini (quote dari temen gue,Tika, ya) termasuk orang dengan wajah tertindas kayak tokoh utama sinetron kejar tayang.  Hahaha.... Ya sudah lah, daripada enggak berakting sama sekali.

Nah, tahun ini gue kedapetan lagi main drama. Karena pertimbangan sebelumnya, gue berniat untuk menolak permintaan ini. Soalnya pas Natal kemarin udah main, masa pas Paskah main lagi. Tapi, karena katanya udah enggak ada orang yang bisa lagi, ya sudah akhirnya saya mau juga. Enggak enak juga karena panitianya temenan banget sama gue.

Kemarin adalah latihan pertama (hahaha, nekad ya? tinggal seminggu baru latihan).Nah setelah latihan drama dan nontonin lomba paduan suara antar sektor yang kebetulan diadakan  setelah kita selesai latihan (by the way , sektor gue menang lho XD), Sendy ngajakin gue dan cici gue ke TIM.

Perjalanan ke TIM ini juga penuh dengan drama dan dilema. Drama, karena cara nyetir Sendy yang luar biasa dan bisa saingan sama supir angkot. Dilema, karena kita enggak tahu mau nonton pertunjukkan terakhir Teater Koma atau nonton film dalam rangka Hari Film Nasional.Namun setelah perundingan panjang, akhirnya kita nonton Teater Koma juga. Hooorrrayy!!!

Okelah, sebenarnya acara nonton dadakan ini rada miris sih. 
1)Kami lumayan telat datengnya. Pertunjukkan dimulai jam 19.30. Karena Kelapa Gading macet dan susahnya nyari tempat parkit di TIM, kita baru nyampe di teater jam 20.15
2)Tiket yang ada tempat duduk udah SOLD OUT. Ada calo sih. Tapi dia cuma punya 1 karcis. Akhirnya kami pun memilih untuk membeli  secara legal di ticket booth, tapi cuma dapat yang di trap kecil. Katanya si calo sih,kalo di situ entar malah berdiri. Idiih, untung enggak dengerin si Calo. Dapet kok tempat duduk! Di tangga sirkulasi sih...... 

TAPI biarpun cuma kedapatan duduk di tangga, ternyata enak-enak aja tuh kami menikmati pertunjukkanya. Malah lebih enak di tangga, lagi.  Coba duduk di kursi. Gue sih melihat kursinya tuh rada minimal standar kursi pertunjukkan,terus jarak orang duduk sama sirkulasi orang yang mau jalan ke kursi di samping-sampingnya termasuk sempit. Kebayang dong kalo lo lagi asik-asik nonton,terus ada orang numpang jalan buat keluar atau mau balik ke kursi mereka? Enggak nyaman banget! Kalo di posisi kami? Bisa selonjoran! (Catet ya: waktu kami masuk tuh udah gelap dan kami duduk di tangga. Jadi enggak kelihatan,apakah argumentasi gue ini valid apa enggak. Lagian, ini cuma, penghiburan diri gue doang kok. HAHAHA XD)

Pertunjukkan yang kami tonton adalah 'Sie Jin Kwie di Negri Sihir'. Kisah ini merupakan bagian akhir dari trilogi kisah Sie Jin Kwie. Kisah ini juga merupakan kisah tentang putera Sie Jin Kwie yang bernama Sie Teng San. Untuk sinopsis lengkapnya :

Inilah kisah tentang Jenderal Besar SIE JIN KWIE, yang memimpin pasukan Tang berperang ke Barat. Sayang sekali, dalam pertempuran, Siejinkwie terluka parah, nyaris sekarat. Arwahnya sempat melayang ke akhirat. Sebelum dikembalikan ke dunia fana, Siejinkwie diperlihatkan masa depan. Kelak, dia akan menemui ajal di tangan putra sendiri.
Inilah kisah tentang SIE TENG SAN. Setelah mati oleh anak panah ayahnya sendiri, Siejinkwie, dia dihidupkan kembali dan dijadikan murid oleh seorang petapa sakti. Kini, Sietengsan diperintahkan membantu sang ayah keluar dari kepungan musuh.
Inilah kisah tentang HWAN LI HOA. Seorang gadis sakti dan pemberani. Oleh gurunya, dia diramalkan berjodoh dengan Sietengsan. Masalahnya, ayah Hwanlihoa adalah jendral pasukan Seeliang, musuh Kerajaan Tang.
Takdir apa yang menanti para tokoh lakon ini? (

WOW,adalah kata pertama gue selama menonton pertunjukan ini. Berikut adalah hal-hal yang membuat gue demikian terpesona :

  1. Tentu saja segi lakonnya. WOW,emang beda ya kualitas orang profesional dan orang amatiran (baca: GUE!!haha). Akting mereka tuh benar-benar keren. Segala jenis teori mengenai teknik berakting yang gue dapatkan sewaktu gue masih di ekskul teater hadir di pertunjukkan ini. Emosi para pemainnya dapet banget! Ada satu adegan saat ibunya Sie Ten Sang  bersedih karena Sie Ten Sang dipenjara oleh Sie Jin Kwie. Beh! Gue merinding dan hampir nangis.
  2. Pertunjukannya. Sandiwara ini mengambil bentuk opera cina. Iya, kayak yang biasa kita lihat di film silat Cina jadul: Make up yang super tebal, super putih dengan aksen pink; dan alunan musik opera Cina yang khas banget itu. Oke, ceritanya memang panjaaaaaang banget sih.Untuk pembelaannya, draft naskah aslinya itu berdurasi 8 jam. Yang jadi pertunjukan ini udah dipadat-padatin hingga akhirnya jadi empat jam. Menurut gue sih,enggak ngebosenin. Malah menurut gue keren banget cara mereka menyingkat bagian perang dan cerita-cerita tertentu demi mempersingkat durasi tanpa menghilangkan alur cerita. Mereka memakai cara pewayangan. Dari wayang tavip,wayang kulit cina-jawa, wayang gending, wayang potehi, wayang beber, dan wayang wong. Ada dinamika perpindahan dari satu lokasi ke lokasi lain. Oh iya, wayang yang dipertunjukkan juga berwarna-warni, berbahasa Indonesia, dan dengan cara penceritaan yang seru. Makin terpukaulah gue karena cara memainkan wayangnya sangat seru,enggak kayak wayang kulit biasanya.

  3. Unsur Humor. Yang satu ini juga menjadi alasan kuat kenapa gue enggak bosan menonton ini. Enggak kayak ketoprak humor atau OVJ yang lucu karena slapstick. Ini benar-benar murni karena sindiran yang pintar dan berisi, percakapan antar tokoh, dan lakonnya sendiri.

    Salah satu yang paling memorable adalah saat Si Dalang 'kelupaan' buat menceritakan kenapa tiba-tiba Sie Ten Sang udah memiliki istri kedua.  Alhasil, para istri Sie Ten Sang yang sedang berkelahi dengan Hwan Li Hua melipir dulu ke pinggir panggung, lalu si Dalang buru-buru manggil teater wayangnya. Terus pas penceritaan wayangnya 'enggak profesional banget'. Pemain wayangnya 'suka salah' gitu sampai harus ditegur oleh Si Dalang. Masa pas ada tokoh yang harusnya telah sampai di kampung mana gitu di Cina, eh malah sampainya ke Wisma Atlet ANTARA. Terus pas harus 'panah bagaikan mainan anak-anak di tangan Sie Ten Sang' hingga terbunuhlah musuhnya. Eh, musuh yang ditampilkan malah koruptor Indonesia yang lagi kasus banget akhir-akhir ini XD.

    Oh iya, lakon para tokoh tertentu tuh lucu banget,kayak Paduka Raja Li Sin Bin yang kadang suka 'melambai';Toui Tho yang juga rada 'melambai' ke Sie Ten Sang dan kocak; Tou Siang Tong  yang rada boyish, slengean, tapi kalau di depan Sie Ten Sang rada genit dan malu-malu kucing; juga pamannya Sie Ten Sang yang kocak banget (salah satunya: dia dengan seenaknya setuju menikahkan Sie Ten Sang dengan Tou Siang Tong  padahal keponakannya ogah).
  4.  Detailnya bikin terpesona banget. Dari mebel sampai ke ukiran-ukirannya, terus tata cahaya, cara mereka menulis hanzi dan romaji yang dibuat kayak hanzi, detail monster-monster gaibnya, duuh~ semuanya keren!

  5. Kostum mereka. Biarpun kostumnya khas opera Cina, tapi tetap ada unsur Indonesia. KEREN!!!Jadi desainnya Cina, kain tetep BATIK. ;D
Selain ketawa,kita juga diajak mikir dengan adegan-adegan yang ada di kisah ini. Ada satu adegan yang nyindir pemerintahan Indonesia. Tapi yang paling nancep bagi gue adalah adegan Hwan Li Hoa mencoba membujuk ayahnya agar merestui pernikahannya dengan Sie Ten Sang. Ayahnya tentu enggak terima, terutama karena Hwan Li Hoa melakukan semua ini cuma karena 'ramalan' takdir dari gurunya. Ayahnya sampai bilang bahwa manusia itu enggak bisa hanya hidup berdasarkan takdir. Manusia punya hak untuk memilih jalan hidupnya.

Hwan Li Hoa sebenarnya juga bingung. Dia sampai nyanyi ,"Langit  bila kau ada, kenapa kau membuatku untuk memilih di antara dua hal yang aku cintai." Tetep aja sih, akhirya Hwan Li Hoa bersikeras memilih menikah dengan Hwan Li Hoa. Si Ayah makin marah dong. Terjadilah pertengkaran dan  perkelahian menggunakan pedang yang berakhir Hwan Li Hoa enggak sengaja membunuh ayah dan para kakaknya. Hwan Li Hoa semakin sedih dan tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukannya. Ibunya Hwan Li Hoa akhirnya menyuruh Hwan Li Hoa pergi menikahi Sie Ten Sang supaya anak perempuannya enggak penasaran lagi tentang kebenaran ramalan itu. Dan sebaiknya takdir itu benar supaya tidak sia-sia kematian suami dan anak-anak laki-lakinya.

Nah,ini yang bikin nancep dan gue mikir tentang dua hal.

Hal pertama: Duh, Hwan Li Hoa ini kok masih bingung ya? Oke lah kalo masalah keluarganya adalah musuh keluarga dan kerajaannya Sie Ten Sang. Ini masih bisa diakalin. Tapi come on,girl. Jelas-jelas dia ketemu sama KEDUA ISTRInya Sie Ten Sang. Kenapa masih bingung? Kalo gue jadi dia sih, jelas gue akan yakin bahwa ramalan sang guru tentang takdir gue itu salah. Ya elah, cewek mana sih yang mau dijadiin istri ketiga atas kemauannya sendiri?Semua cewek jelas ingin jadi satu-satunya perempuan di dalam hidup sang cowok.

Hal yang kedua adalah tentang takdir. Duh rada jengah gue sama istri-istrinya Sie Ten Sang,terutama Tou Sian Tong sama Hwan Li Hoa. Okelah mereka tuh cewek-cewek pesilat tangguh dan gue bangga akan hal itu. But,please, Darlings. Alasan kalian ingin jadi istrinya Sie Ten Sang tuh enggak banget: karena TAKDIR. Kenapa kalian tuh percaya banget sama takdir? Masih RAMALAN, lagi! Yang bikin sebel lagi, saking percayanya kalian memaksakan kehendak kalian ke orang lain.Arghh~~~

Gue setuju sama bapaknya Hwan Li Hoa. Dalam kehidupan tuh kita enggak bisa menyalahkan 'takdir' atas kemalangan yang kita hadapi. Justru sebenarnya kita punya hak untuk memilih takdir/jalan mana yang akan kita tempuh dalam hidup ini. Saat pilihan itu sudah dipilih, kita akan mendapakankan sesuatu, tapi kita juga akan kehilangan sesuatu di jalan itu. Sebaiknya saat kita sudah mantap dengan satu pilihan, kita harus siap menghadapi apa pun  konsekuensinya, termasuk akan kehilangan hal yang paling berharga sekalipun. Karena itu juga, kita harus hati-hati dalam menetapkan pilihan. Apakah hasilnya akan sebanding dengan hal yang kita korbankan. Inget lho, hidup itu bukan Adobe photoshop atau program komputer lainnya, yang tinggal undo atau tekan ctrl+z, kita bisa menunda keputusan kita. There's no turning back once you choose

Ya,ya,ya,ya. Mungkin ada yang bilang "Hidup memang bukan komputer,but  life's also a game'.Enggak usah seserius itu juga kok." Iya sih. Tapi, bahkan kalo kita main board games manapun, kita enggak boleh balik ke posisi yang semula kan? 

Hah, mari sudahi 'wisdom of the day' ini. Hahaha.

Pokoknya pertunjukan ini bagus banget! Sayangnya meskipun bagus banget, gue cuma bisa nonton bentar. Iya, cuma bentar, as in cuma dua   jam. Kasihan si Sendy maagnya kambuh, jadi kita harus cari makan yang ngenyangin di Gondangdia.

Ini adalah kali pertama gue menonton pertunjukan Teater Koma, tetapi jelas bukan kali terakhir gue menonton pertunjukkan Teater Koma. Pengalaman kali ini sepertinya telah  membuat gue dan si Cici akan mengosongkan waktu khusus pertunjukan-pertunjukan teater ke depannya.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Addicted to this song and cover dance

I was just wandering around on youtube. Then I found this video.It's mirrored,there's another version (Also they danced to the original singer's voice. The singer's name is Kyary or Kyary Pamyu Pamyu). But I love this version more, sung by KanzentaiCell .  His voice was so good (Chemistry alike) that it makes this video more cute and fun to watch.

My first impression when I watch it : OMG!!! The dance choreography is TOO KAWAIIIII~~~
The dancers are Miume (girl with cute strawberry blond hair) and Melochin (guy with pink pants,but he's not gay).I think I'm in love with Melochin!!!!!!! He reminds me with that cute ikemen who like to do silly things I found in manga.

Oh yeah, darlings, I think I'm gonna learn this dance,too. PON PON~ XD

Original Song:
PONPONPON - きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ

This version sung by KanzentaiCell (完全体セル)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Candice Swanepoel wallpaper,Candice Swanepoel,Candice Swanepoel Sexy Pics

 She (Candice Swanepoel )was born in Mooi  and She start modeling  at the age of 15.By age 16, She is sexist  the model of Victoria secrect  fashion show.On August 12, 2010  Candice Swanepoel  opened officially her first Victoria's Secret retail store in Canada.She has hot body and sexylook.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Happy 38th Birthday, Gramedia!

Semuanya bermula dari @Silphee yang secara enggak nyambung menjawab tweet saya:

Penasaran dong saya. So I clicked Gramedia's fanpage and found out about the birthday greeting competition. Kesan pertama saat membaca pengumuman ini:
Hee? Gramedia Pustaka Utama udah  berumur 38 tahun???? 
Wew, kalau di novel-novel metropop dan harlequin, biasanya bakal jadi incaran cewek-cewek buat dijadiin suami nih saking sudah matang dan mapan, hihihi ...

Okay,kembali ke ucapan selamat ini. Hmm, kayaknya kalau cuma kasih ucapan selamat ada yang kurang. Yah kayak dangdut,tapi  enggak pake goyangannya (entah itu sekedar jempol, pinggul, ngebor, gergagaji,ngecor, dan alat konstruksi lainnya.) Jadi, gue akan memanfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk curhat colongan deh.

Dear GPU,

Kamu membuat rumah saya semakin sempit. Tidak percaya? Ini buktinya:

Bahkan itubelum semuanya. Saking banyaknya, ada juga yang harus dimasukin ke kardus.
Belum cukup buktinya?
Kamu udah membuat saya galau tiap muncul buku-buku baru saat duit harusnya dihemat karena udah dihabisin buat ngeprint belasan denah segede A1. Apalagi saat keluar bukunya enggak cuma 1 dalam sebulan. Hal ini membuat saya semakin bokek karena ngeborong novel.

Kamu membuat udah membuat saya jadi kekurangan mainan sebagai seorang anak SD. Sejak saya kenal buku-bukunya Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl,C.S. Lewis dan K.A Applegate di perpustakaan, saya jadi ketagihan baca novel.  Sejak saat itu, kalau lagi jalan orang tua jadinya saya minta dibeliin buku, bukannya mainan (boro-boro deh Poly Pocket!). Masa SD-SMA saya habiskan di perpustakaan buat nyari novel-novel GPU jadul yang enggak ada di toko buku Gramedia.

Pas masuk kuliah, kamu membuat saya jadi seorang hopeless romantic gara-gara Chick-Lit,Metropop dan Harlequin. Kamu membuat saya jadi suka sama vampir berglitter bernama Edward Cullen. Terus saya juga dibikin nangis-nangis sambil senyum-senyum kalau baca The Notebook, Ca Bau Kan, Time Traveler'sWife.

Tuh kan! Udah bikin saya bokek, mendadak jadi geek  yang labil/galau, dan bikin rumah saya makin sempit selama 14 tahun, harusnya saya membenci kamu.

Tetep aja saya enggak bisa membenci GPU.

Kenapa? Karena kamu punya arti tersendiri buat saya (etsaaah,bahasanya, Jo!). Tapi serius lho, novel-novel terbitan GPU-lah yang  membuka pintu minat saya ke dunia membaca cerita fiksi tak bergambar. Saya sendiri jadi makin suka membaca. Saking sukanya sama membaca novel fiksi :
  1. Saya jadi ce-esan sama Pustakawati di perpustakaan sekolah. Anak lain terlambat balikin buku dimarahin, saya cuma dicengegesin.
  2. Masa-masa remaja saya enggak  sestress temen-temen lainnya pas pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris, terutama kalau disuruh ngebikin sinopsis, resensi novel, dan percakapan drama. Sepotong kue banget karena udah terlatih.  
  3. Novel-novel terbitan GPU udah saya anggap seperti salah satu cemilan saya. Kalau ingin ketemu sama yang ajaib-ajaib so sweet, tinggal baca novel-novel fantasi. Kalau lagi bosen, baca novel GPU bisa terhibur. Kalau lagi stress kenapa tugas-tugas ini enggak ada ujungnya, baca lagi.. eh, selesai baca kok jadi punya ide. Kalau lagi lesu, terus baca novel kayak Antologi Rasa, eeeeh jadi semangat lagi gara-gara si Harris.
  4. Eeeh, sekarang jadi suka bikin cerita romantis. (*tetep sinyal,hahahaha) Oh well, walaupun semuanya masih dalam bentuk draft dan sebagian besar masih numpuk di otak saya,tercampur sama teori pencahayaan.
So, for introducing me to fun reading world and making my plain life become colorful, I Thank You, GPU.
I wish you a very a happy birthday. Keep publishing great books so in the future I could teach my children the joy of reading that you showed me by your books. And last, but not least, a little birthday cake for you. Enjoy! :)

*All photos are taken by Joan Christine

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Yay! The Tremendous Trio will be back!

Blogwalking.. then, BOOM!! I just found out my favorite trio : Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, and Helena Bonhamn Carter will be back this summer.

Yes, darlings, since I watched Tim Burton's Corpse Bride,  gue jadi penonton mereka dan mencari  film yang berisi kombinasi 3 orang ini . Edward Scisorhand (walaupun ga ada Helena),check! Sweeney Todd, check! Alice in Wonderland, check!

And this May there will be another dark comedy called  DARK SHADOWS! Yay!!! XD

Barnabas Collins in Dark Shadows movie 2012

Totally love its trailer. It's funny and most importantly, Jon's not glittery!! XD

Jon Kortajarena in "Girls Gone Wild"

Being a fan for a model has its ups and downs. The ups : not everybody in Indonesia knows who Jon Kortajarena is. So it still has "selera ga pasaran" feeling. The downs : hanya bisa bergantung pada forumnya fashion spot buat nyari what he's been up to (hahaha,kok jadi stalk-ish gini omongan gue?).

However, gue seneng banget begitu tahu dari forum , Jon got another big job on screen!! I think it's the second time after "A Single Man" (in which he looks so handsome and surprised me with his good acting skills). Now, he's being a model for Madonna's MV "Girls Gone Wild". 

Jon Kortarena on the right!!

Yah kalo lagu  emang standarnya lagu2 Madonna era 2000an. Not a really big fan for the music sih. MVnya? SUCH A TREAT for girls and gays out there!!!  There are so many hotties doing provoking sexy gestures..hahaha.  *nyalain kipas angin

Sayangnya Jon cuma muncul sekali-kali dalam hitungan detik, but it still counts for me (. Gimana enggak? Sekali muncul, seksi banget! Though there's a scene where he's biting apple with another model yang membuat gue semakin kipas-kipas saking seksinya dan makin  penasaran, whether he's really gay or not. Oh well, even if he's gay like the rumor said, he's so talented that I will still love him. Just like I love Neil Patrick Harris ;)

So this MV hasn't been uploaded to Youtube yet. Just check put e-online for the full video. Here's the link

These Days

A great song from Foo Fighters. Arrgh, I love it so much. The music is awesome. And that lyrics? Wow, nancep to the max!!! XD

This song is for those people who easily give 'what so ever called wisdom'. Like maybe when you feel so vulnerable and  people easily said ' It's alright.Everything will get better.'  They don't know what exactly what happened and how we really feel about itu, yet they dare giving us such 'wisdom', di waktu yang salah pula!

Okay, I know they said it because they care about us. But, they don't know the real trouble is and how we really feel about it. Giving such 'wisdom' at time like that just makes me even more frustrated and just want to say, "Easy for you to say."

"These Days"(from

One of these days the ground will drop out from beneath your feet
One of these days your heart will stop and play its final beat
One of these days the clocks will stop and time won't mean a thing
One of these days their bombs will drop and silence everything

But it's alright
Yeah it's alright
I said it's alright

Easy for you to say
Your heart has never been broken
Your pride has never been stolen
Not yet not yet

One of these days
I bet your heart'll be broken
I bet your pride'll be stolen
I bet I bet I bet I bet
One of these days
One of these days

One of these days your eyes will close and pain will disappear
One of these days you will forget to hope and learn to fear

But it's alright
Yeah it's alright
I said it's alright

Easy for you to say
Your heart has never been broken
Your pride has never been stolen
Not yet not yet

One of these days
I bet your heart'll be broken
I bet your pride'll be stolen
I bet I bet I bet I bet
One of these days
One of these days

But it's alright
Yeah it's alright
I said it's alright
Yes it's alright

Don't say it's alright
Don't say it's alright
Don't say it's alright

One of these days your heart will stop and play its final beat
But it's alright

Easy for you to say
Your heart has never been broken
Your pride has never been stolen
Not yet not yet

One of these days
I bet your heart will be broken
I bet your pride will be stolen
I bet I bet I bet I bet

One of these days
One of these days
One of these days

Friday, March 23, 2012

La Legende Jimmy

At last another photoshoot of our gorgeous Jon Kortajarena. That James Dean look suits him perfectly. :D
GQ France April 2012
Ph: Sergi Pons
Styling: Miguel Arnau

My T-shirt has arrived!!!

Akhirnya setelah dua minggu menunggu T-shirt #teamharris sampai juga di tangan. Mari bersama-sama kita teriakkan: BANZAI!!BANZAI!! XD

Haha,untung aja mesen yang S. Ternyata pas di badan. Ga kegedean,apalagi kekecilan. Pokoknya fit like a glove lah! :)

Mind the Background. Taken at CF's change room.

 Makasih @jesicastephanie yang mesenin. Makasih juga @Silphee yang nganterin kaosnya ke gue padahal mau pergi ke Pluit. Sini saya cium satu-satu! XD

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?

Since the last post I'm discussing about Dr. Seuss' story adaptation, I might as well share my another favorite story of Dr. Seuss. This is a story about being thankful for who you are.

Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?

(i do not own this video. the video credit belongs to random house home video)

When I was quite young
and quite small for my size,
I met an old man in the desert of Drize.
And he sang me a song I will never forget.
At least, well, I haven’t forgotten it yet.

He sat in a terribly prickly place.
But he sang with a sunny sweet smile on his face.

When you think things are bad,
when you feel sour and blue,
when you start to get mad…
you should do what I do!

Just tell yourself, Duckie,
you’re really quite lucky!
Some people are much more…
oh, ever so much more…
oh, muchly much-much more
unlucky than you!

Be glad you don’t work on the Bunglebung Bridge
that they’re building across Boober Bay at Bumm Ridge.
It’s a troublesome world. All the people who’re in it
are troubled with troubles almost every minute.
You ought to be thankful, a whole heaping lot,
for the places and people you’re lucky you’re not!

Just suppose for example,
you lived in Ga-Zayt
and got caught in the traffic
on Zaty Highway Eight!

Or suppose,
just for instance,
you lived in Ga-Zair
with your bedroom up here
and your bathroom up THERE!

Suppose, just suppose, you were poor Herbie Hart,
who has taken his Throm-dim-bu-lator apart!
He never will get it together, I’m sure.
He never will know if the Gick or the Goor
fits into the Skrux or the Snux or the Snoor.
Yes, Duckie, you’re lucky you’re not Herbie Hart
who has taken his Throm-dim-bu-lator apart!

Think they work you too hard…?
Think of poor Ali Sard!
He has to mow grass in his uncle’s back yard
and it’s quick-growing grass
and it grows as he mows it.
The faster he mows it, the faster he grows it.
And all that his stingy old uncle will pay
for his shoving that mower around in the hay
is the piffulous pay of two Dooklas a day.
And Ali can’t live on such piffulous pay!

He has to paint flagpoles
on Sundays in Grooz.
How lucky you are
you don’t live in his shoes!

And poor Mr. Bix!
Every morning at six,
poor Mr. Bix has his Borfin to fix!
It doesn’t seem fair. It just doesn’t seem right,
but his Borfin just seems to go shlump every night.
It shlumps in a heap, sadly needing repair.
Bix figures it’s due to the local night air.

It takes him all day to un-shlump it.
And then…
the night air comes back
and it shlumps once again!

So don’t you feel blue. Don’t get down in the dumps.
You’re lucky you don’t have a Borfin with shlumps.

And, while we are at it, consider the Schlottz,
the Crumple-horn, Web-footed, Green-bearded Schlottz,
whose tail is entailed with un-solvable knots.
If he isn’t muchly
more worse off than you,
I’ll eat my umbrella.
That’s just what I’ll do.

And you’re lucky, indeed, you don’t ride a camel.
To ride on a camel, you sit on a wamel.
A wamel, you know, is a sort of a saddle
held on by a button that’s known as a faddle.
And, boy! If your old wamel-faddle gets loose,
I’m telling you, Duckie, you’re gone like a goose.

And poor Mr. Potter,
He has to cross t’s
and he has to dot i’s
in an I-and-T factory
out in Van Nuys!

Oh, the jobs people work at!
Out west, near Hawtch-Hawtch,
there’s a Hawtch-Hawtcher Bee-Watcher.
His job is to watch…
is to keep both his eyes on the lazy town bee.
A bee that is watched will work harder, you see.

Well…he watched and he watched.
But, in spite of his watch,
that bee didn’t work any harder. Not Mawtch.

So somebody said,
“Our old-bee-watching man
just isn’t bee-watching as hard as he can.
He ought to be watched by another Hawtch-Hawtcher!
The thing that we need
is a Bee-Watcher-Watcher!”


The Bee-Watcher-Watcher watched the Bee-Watcher.
He didn’t watch well. So another Hawtch-Hawtcher
had to come in as a Watch-Watcher-Watcher!
And today all the Hawtchers who live in Hawtch-Hawtch
are watching on Watch-Watcher-Watchering-Watch,
Watch-Watching the Watcher who’s watching the bee.
You’re not a Hawtch-Watcher. You’re lucky, you see!

And how fortunate you’re not Professor de Breeze
who has spent the past thirty-two years, if you please,
Trying to teach Irish ducks how to read Jivvanese.

And think of the
poor puffing Poogle-Horn Players,
who have to parade
down the Poogle-Horn Stairs
every morning to wake up
the Prince of Poo-Boken.
It’s awful how often
their poogles get broken!

And, oh! Just suppose
you were poor Harry Haddow.
Try as he will
he can’t make any shadow!
He thinks that, perhaps, something’s wrong with his Gizz.
And I think that, by golly, there probably is.

And the Brothers Ba-zoo.
The poor Brothers Ba-zoo!
Suppose your hair grew
like theirs happened to do!

You think your unlucky…?
I’m telling you, Duckie,
some people are muchly,
oh, ever so muchly,
muchly more-more-more unlucky than you!

And suppose that you lived in that forest in France,
where the average young person just hasn’t a chance
to escape from the perilous pants-eating-plants!
But your pants are safe! you’re a fortunate guy.
And you ought to be shouting, “How lucky am I!”

And , speaking of plants,
you should be greatly glad-ish
you’re not Farmer Falkenberg’s
seventeenth radish.

And you’re so, so lucky
you’re not Gucky Gown,
who lives by himself
ninety miles out of town,
in the Ruins of Ronk.
Ronk is rather run-down.

And you’re so, so, So lucky
you’re not a left sock,
left behind by mistake
in the Kaverns of Krock!

Thank goodness for all of the things you are not!
Thank goodness you’re not something someone forgot
and left all alone in some punkerish place
like a rusty tin coat hanger handing in space.

That’s why I say, “Duckie!
Don’t grumble! Don’t stew!
Some critters are much-much,
oh, ever so much-much,
so muchly much-much more unlucky than you!

—Dr. Seus

Super Duper Gotta Love Dr. Seuss' Lorax (2012)

After having dinner with my big sis, we randomly go to the movies. Yup. This time we watch Dr. Seuss' Lorax, the movie I've been waiting since I watched its trailer on Youtube.

Ted (Zac Efron), a 12 years old boy, has a crush towards Audrey (Taylor Swift), who has a dream to see a real trees grow in Thneedville again. 

Yup, real trees. Why? Because in Thneedville where they live, there are NO single tree grows. All of the vegetation are made by plastic, even bees. And for trees? Well, they have trees made by plastics or pretty much like street lamps, which you can change its leaves (lamp color) into spring, summer, autumn, or even Disco Ball theme.

Getting excited with Audrey statement that she probably will marry whoever bring the tree, Ted starts searching where he can find it. After a brief information by his granny (Betty White), Ted goes outside the village looking for Once-ler.

Once-let won't give the information about the last tree that easy. He demanded Ted to listen the stroy about him and Lorax, the grumpy spirits who once loves there, first. Then, he will give him the information. 

Like that's not hard enought. Ted's effort to have a real tree also gets even tougher because Mr. O'hare, an air mogul, doesn't like Ted being outside Thneedville.


So, before I watched its 2012 version, I decided to listen to the audio book version first. Then, weeks later, at last the movie came to Indonesia!!! Of course there are some different between the book and the movie. However, both still make me wanna shout "WAY TO GO DR. SEUSS!!!!This is one of brilliant stories Dr. Seuss has ever made."

What I like about the movie:
  1.  They didn't erase the rhyme storytelling. Even the dialogue that has rhyme session in a book are here, too. That's why I get so excited while watching the movie. 
  2. They didn't erase the MAIN AND IMPORTANT SCENES. Unlike, Narnia 2, which they erase the most important scene (hiks).
  3. They add  new characters. Okay, when I first knew about this, I kinda mad and skeptical,too. I mean, as we all know, adding new characters to a movie based on book sometime will downgrade the movie. But, apparently ,not this one. Adding Mr. O'Hare turns out to be great. Well, at least for me. Why? Here's the thing, Mr. O'hare is a businessman who sells fresh air to Thneedville citizen. So it makes sense why up until the present no one even know the "real" world without tree. Also it adds the pressure for Ted whether he's willing enough to get the tree back to his village.
  4. The animation. Come on, it's bright, it has colorful scenes, it's fun, it's funny, and those bears and Lorax himself? !!!!They are so fluffy!!! I want to take them all to my house XD

Oh, of course about the story!!! I LOVE IT SO BAD!! The story is full of great messages. Like, keep your promise, don't take what's not yours,don't do harm for your personal advantage. Just think about how it affects other people before you ACT.

 For my self, the main message is about preserving our environment, especially about "industrial logging". This story remind us what will happen if we let greedy industries chop our forest without planting the new one. Or worse,if we let ourselves not caring about the environment.

I felt uber sad when I watched the scene about Once-ler became greedy and listened to his family about chopping down the tree so they could be rich. The thing was he didn't realize what's the impact from what he and his industry's done. Trufulla trees are important for living creatures in that forest. Once the tree chopped, bears and birds have no home and food. The  industrial waste makes the fishes went miserable. And worse, it affects people in the future. People has to buy fresh air to be able to breath decently and a kid who got glowing by swimming in polluted air. 

But, what I like about Once-ler is he felt remorse and regret of what he did. He wanted to make things right. This is one quality that's not possessed by some people.

Oh, there are memorable quotes, too:

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
Dr. Seuss, The Lorax 

“But now," says the Once-ler, "now that you're here, the word of the Lorax seems perfectly clear. UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
Dr. Seuss, The Lorax  

“I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees for the trees have no tongues.”
Dr. Seuss, The Lorax 

“It's not about what it is, it's about what it can become.”
Dr. Seuss, The Lorax 


I still don't get it why this movie has an average rating on IMDB.

For me,this is an animation that has deep message, but not boring at all.  The animation is awesome. The creatures are uber cute and fluffy. The story has the right amount of everything: puppy love, humor, drama, seriousness, and again FUN. I laughed and almost cried during the movie, then came home with a smile after watching it. :)

I totally recommend this to be watched.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Crazy Dreams

I recently have been watching SMASH.. No, not that idol group from Koream called SMASH. Amit-amit pula idol group dari Indonesia. What I;m talking about is SMASH, the new series about Broadway Life.

At the end of  episode 2, Ivy Lynn sings this song called "Crazy Dreams", originally was sang by Carrie Underwood. Carrie gives a happy country upbeat feeling to this song. However, I'm in love with its cover by Ivy. Ivy gives such soothing and more relieved feeling for it. 

The lyrics,too, gives all the dreamers out there--including me who's been dreaming to become a novelist--  to keep dreaming because even crazy dreams come true :)

"Crazy Dreams"(from azlyrics, Carrie Underwood version)

Hello you long shots
You dark horse runners
Hairbrush singers, dashboard drummers
Hello you wild magnolias
Just waiting to bloom

There's a little bit of all that inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true

I stood at the bottom of some walls I thought I couldn't climb
I felt like Cinderella at the ball just running out of time
So I know how it feels to be afraid
Think that it's all gonna slip away
Hold on, hold on

Here's to you free souls, you firefly chasers
Tree climbers, porch swingers, air guitar players
Here's to you fearless dancers, shaking walls in your bedrooms

There's a lot of wonder left inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true

Never let a bad day be enough
To go and talk you in to giving up
Sometimes everybody feels like you
Oh, feels like you, just like you

I've met some go-getters
Some difference makers
Small town heroes, and big chance takers
I've met some young hearts with something to prove
Oh, yeah

Here's to you long shots
You dark horse runners
Hairbrush singers, and dashboard drummers
Here's to you wild magnolias
Just waiting to bloom

There's a little bit of all that inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true
Thank God even crazy dreams come true

Good Fight


Dia tak benar-benar mencintaimu, kau dan aku sama-sama tahu itu.

Dibawakannya kau bunga, tetapi bukan kesukaanmu. Digenggamnya jemarimu, tetapi tidak cukup mesra. Dia mencium bibir indahmu, lalu cepat-cepat menyudahinya.

Puaskah kau dengan cinta seperti itu?

Sampai kapan kau terus duduk di situ, menunggu dia berbalik menginginimu?

Berhentilah mengabaikanku.

Tak bisakah kau memberiku kesempatan juga? Lirik aku sebentar saja. Dengarkan aku sebentar saja. Biar aku buat kau percaya, hanya aku yang bisa membuatmu bahagia.

Hanya aku—bukan dia. (from Gagas Media fanpage on facebook)
Say hi to Tere, a 20 something fashion editor at Mascara. 

Like everybody else, she has a secret that she keeps from anybody else, including her galpal. Lately, she's becoming  a girlfriend of an engaged man, named Indra. Okay, in her defense, she met him first. It's just that his parents won't approve and made him engage to somebody else. Plus, Indra  loves her and likewise. So why not, right?

Also, say hi to Tere's enemy, Jetro--or Jet, he's a photographer who works at Manner and Mascara. Tere enggak habis pikir kenapa cewek-cewek, bahkan Rian sekalipun, naksir cowok ini. Okelah badannya bagus. Okelah mungkin dia ganteng. Tapi untuk urusan sikap, all the things he does cuma bikin keki Tere.

But that particular day... Jet found out her secret. Came to her surprise, Jet didn't judge her like people would have done if they'd found out,too. That day, Tere learned that Jet also has a similar dilemma. Jet is also a boyfriend from....wait for it.... a married woman. 


Begitu temen gue ngepos bahwa Christian Simamora bakal nerbitin buku, gue langsung antusias. Like I said in my previous post before Christian Simamora is of my front-runner for romantic comedy novelists. I love all the books he wrote before. 

Nah,pas gue menemukan bukunya di Gramedia. Awalnya gue rada kaget, beh! Tebel amat! Harganya Rp 57.000,00 pula! Jadi dengan berat hati (maklum minggu seret dan dompet menipis), gue pun membawa pulang buku ini ke rumah.

But, boy , it was all worth it!!!

Dari segi tema memang enggak biasa. This is a story about cowok dan cewek yang sama-sama dijadikan simpanan. The thing is alurnya  ketebak banget  mau dibawa ke mana mereka berdua ini. 

However, K'Christian berhasil membuat pembacanya--at least gue sih--sama sekali enggak bosan melahap semua 30 bab yang ada di buku ini. Cara menceritakan dengan bahasa yang oh-so-witty, campur-campur, dan enggak formal membuat gue senyum mesem-mesem dan ketawa. Dan sebagai kategori novel dewasa, Good Fighr berhasil bikin gue geleng-geleng saking labilnya. Catet ya, baru halaman 14 aja udah bikin labil! hahaha.

Oke..lanjut ke tokoh utamanya. Di sini, si penulis ingin ngasih lihat bahwa orang yang rela jadi selingkuhan itu enggak selalu orang  jahat. Bodoh mungkin, tapi enggak jahat. But, oh well, namanya juga cinta. Just like what the old saying once said " Love is Blind". Itu enggak hanya berlaku mengenai cinta enggak melihat kulit ras, kaya-miskin,lalala aja ya. It also can be practiced to an affair case. No matter how wrong the thing actually is, we'll find a reason to justify our action in the name what-so-called Love.

Blind Love. You know you aren't suppose to dance with your eyes closed. That makes you don't realize there are scary things around you, waiting to jeopardize you. And what do you do? You put a blindfold called "love".. -___-"
Picture taken from here :

Menurut gue sendiri, tindakan Jet dan Tere ini sih enggak patut dicontoh. Gue merupakan salah satu yang percaya dengan prinsip : "Kalau kamu mencintai seseorang, kamu enggak akan menempatkan orang yang kamu sayangi itu di posisi yang sulit, terutama cuma buat dijadiin simpanan." dan "Kalau dia selingkuh dari pasangannya demi kamu, mungkin dia akan melakukan perbuatan yang sama terhadap kamu suatu hari nanti."

What makes me still have respect for our main characters is they're willing to set things right. Enggak semua orang berani mengakhiri hubungan yang  udah salah dari awal atas alasan cinta dan harga diri. So, for that, I give them A for wonderful and brave efforts. Also I think, everyone who really serious to make an atonement is deserved to have second chance :)

Oh iya, ada satu lagi yang gue suka dari cerita ini. I love Rian!!! Too bad cerita antara dia dan Dani termasuk pendek. Arrgh, me want more Rian-Dani!! XD  (Harap maklum ya, I'm one of those girl who thought love between gay people can be as sweet as straight couple can be,even sweeter.)


Monday, March 19, 2012

Angelina Jolie Wallpapers,Angelina Jolie wallpaper

   Angelina Jolie was born in  Los Angeles, on June 4th, 1975 .  Meaning  of Angelina  is Pretty Little Angel. Her father, Jon  was already an established superstar, having topped the bill in such classics as Midnight Cowboy . When Angelina  jolie was 2 year, he'd scoop the Best Actor Oscar for Coming Home.She has sexy look.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

"Heaven Help Us All"- Stevie Wonder

Been trying to build my mood so i could read that stupid pdf by listening to motown playlist (listen here). Then, I discover this great song by Stevie Wonder.

"Heaven Help Us All"

Heaven help the child who never had a home,
Heaven help the girl who walks the street alone
Heaven help the roses if the bombs begin to fall,
Heaven help us all.

Heaven help the black man if he struggles one more day,
Heaven help the white man if he turns his back away,
Heaven help the man who kicks the man who has to crawl,
Heaven help us all.

Heaven help us all, heaven help us all, help us all.
Heaven help us, Lord, hear our call when we call
Oh, yeah!

Heaven help the boy who won't reach twenty-one,
Heaven help the man who gave that boy a gun.
Heaven help the people with their backs against the wall,
Lord, Heaven help us all.

Heaven help us all, heaven help us all, heaven help us all, help us all.
Heaven help us, Lord, hear our call when we call.

Now I lay me down before I go to sleep.
In a troubled world, I pray the Lord to keep, keep hatred from the mighty,
And the mighty from the small,
Heaven help us all.
Oh, oh, oh, yeah!
Heaven help us all.

Sometimes.. the quieter the better

Most of people prefer to visit a new restaurant that is crowded by other people. The reason is because a crowded place means they serve great stuffs there. I agree to that statement.

However, personally, I choose to visit a famous newly-opened restaurant/cafe when it's  not that crowded. Okay it doesn't mean it has a few of customer. By a quieter  place, it can be it has not so many customer that day or the ambiance is not too noisy. Based on my experience,the quieter the ambiance is, the better.  My reasons are quiet simple:
  1. It's more relaxing to enjoy my meal. I don't feel the pressure to leave the restaurant immediately.  I can eat with a proper speed so that I  won't danger my tummy to be more bloated that it already has.
  2. The quality is more controlled. In a crowded place, chefs are rushing to serve as many as possible to meet those piles of order. Because of it, in some restaurant (especially the new opened one because they still catching up to get the right rhythm in kitchen), they intended to serve food that a lil' lack of quality. So the taste isn't as yummy as usual/ it should be.
  3. It's faster to get my meal.
  4. The service are much better and I get faster response. When the place is more quiet, it's easier to call the waiter. 
  5. My mindset hasn't been polluted by any other factor. I'll judge genuinely by how the food taste in my mouth. Here's the thing, the more the crowd, the slower  I got my food, and the more I become impatient. And when that  happen, my mind is automatically set to bad mood. By the time the food come, I will judge it with negative thoughts, no matter how tasty the food really is. I will find the slightest 'mistake' in that food.
Today, I just visited Kyo-dai Ramen. My sis chose to be seated on the 2nd floor. The thing is, I'm used to sit on 1st floor which was not too many people choose to sit there.

Omoo, what I experienced on 2nd floor is way different than the 1st one. It was filled by many people. Because there are so many people in quite small space, the space felt more crowded that it has to be. Not only that, because there are so many people, I had a hunch that my eating experience wouldn't be as good as usual.

And boy, was I right. It took  a longer time than usual for me to get my ramen. Usually, I have no problem to wait because I can enjoy the soothing music they played while I wait. However, because too crowded and rather noisy, I barely can hear the music. Also, I seat with a person who likes to critic when she comes to restaurant. She got annoyed, I got influenced by her because I can't distract my self with music, so I got a lil' bit annoyed, too.

Then after a long wait, our food came. The 2nd thing I'm worried about.. happened. I think the chef are rushing to make orders.  I mean last week, my friend ordered the same ramen and I taste its broth. The taste kinda not as good as I tasted last week.

My main critic would be for its cold noodle. It's not ice cold at all! :'(  It's just a cooled down room temperature ramen. I mean, when people order this, they expect to taste a refreshing ramen, right? At least, the chef should put ice cubes inside the noodle bowl. So that room temperature ramen would be cooler. Or maybe they could refrigerate either its dipping shoyu sauce or ramen first. If they did it, the noodle would taste better and refreshing as it should be when people dipped the ramen into the shoyu sauce.

So, lesson learned: NEVER EVER visited a restaurant(especially a new restaurant) when it's too crowded. Visit it when weekdays or when they have not too many visitors because its quality is more controlled. *elus-elus brewoknya Jon Kortajarena #eeeh XD

My wallpaper for now..

Hal ini terjadi karena pesanan kaos gue, @jesicastephanie, dan @Silphee belum sampai juga. Padahal udah dipesan dari hampir 3 minguu yang lalu.

Huff, saya sudah tidak sabar..

Jadi untuk menghibur diri, gue memasang wallpaper ini di Acer. fufufu

I got this wallpaper picture from the Author's tumblr itself. I recognized the picture is a little bit messy. Ada yang masih ada sisa watermarknya dikit.   So, I edited and tidy it up a little bit with Photoshop, then voila~
The modified wallpaper

kaos Harris, cepatlah sampai di rumahnya @Silphee!!! >.<

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Institutional White

I love when fashion interrupts things,like daily life, art, even creepy things. This photo editorial for Interview Magazine is one of them. I totally feel the horror, the scared, and dark ambience from it.

Steven Klein brilliantly remakes a creepy scenes between 'mean' assylum nurse and her patient..Karolina Kurkova plays the nurse and look gorgeusly enigmatic mean nurse. And boy, what can I say about Crystall Renn? She definitely succeeds acting like scared mental patient. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It was so close.....

Gomen ne, minna-san...

I.... I.... I...

I  failed to live my life as a vegetarian for a month ..... was so close... I've been living it for almost 3 weeks! It's all because of that  darn Saturday night. I was so hungry that night. Jadi, gue iyakan aja ajakan temen-temen gue makan di Bubur Kamseng selesai latihan kantoria. The porridge was so oishii-mitai,my stupid stomach nagging and I can't help my self not to eat it. I forgot the porridge I shared with my fried ada pork slice-nya. Padahal tadinya gue bermaksud buat ngambil bubur-kacang-cakwe doang... haiiishh... Sekali lagi, saya menyesal _l7o

However... no matter how mad I am to my self for not being able to commit, I'm a little bit proud of my self for trying to be a vegetarian. I'm a die-hard meat lover. And being eating only vegetables without meat for 3 weeks is a BIG achievement for me :')

3 weeks without meat gives me a lesson that you can enjoy your meal with only vegetables. Also, I feel somehow way  lighter during those period.  I think from now on, gue akan memprioritaskan ngebanyakin makan sayuran. Remember what your Mama say: Vegetables are good for you!

Yosh, Ganbarimasu!!!