Monday, January 30, 2012

Joan Loves... "My Wedding and Other Secrets"

I always looking a romantic movie out there that I never watched before, then against all odds I found this 2011 movie from New Zealand . So i decided to give it a shot. The movie called "My Wedding and Other Secrets."

THE PLOT (from IMDB dengan penambahan dari gue)

The contemporary story of Chinese New Zealand-born over-achiever Emily Chu, raised to believe she can get anything she puts her mind to. Even if 'anything' is at odds with her traditional Hong Kong born parents' wish for her to become a doctor like her two older sisters. Everything is coming up roses - until she meets James, a European New Zealander, and accidentally falls in love with him. But if her father finds out, she will face disownment. By the time Emily realises that she's sacrificing the respect of her family to follow her heart, James, too, has fallen irrevocably in love and there's nothing for it but to try and keep their relationship a secret.Written by Anonymous  .

One day after her movie project get rejected for funding, Emily comes up with an idea to get married so she could have her own funding. (I'm guessing: In New Zealand,young married couple who's still in university could have student allowance).  However, they have to keep the marriage as a secret. Beside, they love each other,it doesn't count as a fraud to university. So the journey of Emily being a movie student,good Chinese daughter, and a wife has begun.

The reason I love it....

Apakah gue suka? Hohohoho, Dāngrán xǐhuan!!

The plot is really interesting. Not everyday I could watch love story with a Chinese background in west community. Yaah,emang sih saya ini hampir 100% aseli made in Sulawesi Utara, but since I grew up in a place full of Chinese people, yah I feel a lil' bit of connection lha.  I quite understand how Emily feels as a modern Chinese woman living in traditional family. I think all of us as a young Indonesian people can connect with that kind of feeling and expectation. :D

However, I don't really like this Emily's character. She's so ambitious about her dream as a movie maker, she's willing to do anything. And when I said 'willing', I meant, she's even willing to drag the person she loves to go along with her way. It's almost she's a selfish person. Good thing she comes to her senses at the end of the movie.

Terus, gue juga suka sama James, Emily's husband. He loves Emily so much, he'll do anything for her.Sebut aja. Emily wants to get married, pergi deh ke catatan sipil. Emily mau kehidupan mereka didokumentasikan buat proyek kuliah,akhirnya James mau meskipun dengan ogah-ogahan. Emily's Dad wants him to learn basic Mandarin, belajar deh si James sama kakaknya Emily,mencoba ngobrol sama penjual buah,dan ikut kursus bahasa Mandarin.

Emang sih, James keliatan kayak cowok yang manut sama ceweknya. However,dia bisa tegas juga lho ke Emily saat Emily udah mulai keterlaluan ambisiusnya. Haduuuh XD

But most of all, I love Emily and James as a couple. They're so different, they made a cute and great couple for each other.

I also have some memorable scenes that I love so much:

1. James belajar bahasa Mandarin. It's so funny because it's true. Belajar bahasa Mandarin tuh rada susah ya pengucapannya. Salah nada,udah beda arti.  Duh,berasa Deja Vu deh gue. hahahaha. Apalagi begitu dia mulai mempraktekan bahasa Mandarinnya ke penjual buah. Gue merasa scenenya bener-bener mirip sama scene dari video belajar bahasa mandarin di tempat kursus gue. hahaha

2. In most chick flicks I've seen,we're served with scenes ofthe girl ended up being hurt because of what the guy did. So the guy will try all romantic things he could come up with ,show her that he's sorry,and beg for her forgiveness. But this is one of few movies which do the exact opposite. For me, the way Emily show that she's sorry is simply cute. Dari kirimin buket bunga,menghias pohon dengan snack kesukaan mereka berdua, sampai makan makanan kesukaan James yang sebenarnya dibenci Emily...semuanya dilakukan supaya James mau maafin dia. Aw~~so sweet :D Well, tanpa bermaksud menjadi enggak feminis dan menjadi kolot, emang sih there are times where the one to blame is the girl. Ini salah satu film yang menampilkan hal itu.

3. Saat James minta restu papanya Emily atas hubungan mereka dalam bahasa Mandarin dengan nada yang sangat tepat (gue aja malu lho.kok nada gue masih suka ngaco ya? hahaha).

Tapi, Di akhir kalimat dia tetep bilang, "Please answer me in English because my Chinese still in elementary level." hahahaha


This is such a cute romantic movie. It teaches that love is colorblind. It comes to people no matter what colour skin they have.

For me,it teaches me two things. In love section,if you love some one it's okay to do anything for that person,but still without losing yourself in a process. Also, don't take the love which we receive  from people who love us for granted.Why? Because in worst case,people can get  hurt and decided to leave us if we take their love for granted.

In family section, it also remind us how communication is still one of the important things between parent-children relationship. Ignorance dan mengambil kesimpulan sendiri hanya menimbulkan kesalahpahaman lebih jauh  terhadap orang tua kita. Oh iya, walaupun kelihatannya nyebelin, we have to understand that they do that because our parents just want the best for our live. So it's also our job to explain to them what we want  in our life is also good and ask them to support our decision.

Halaah,jo,kok jadi sok wise geneh? Hahaha, yah intinya, ayo, silahkan ditonton film ini ya XD

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