Saturday, April 28, 2012

In Joan's Shoes (3) : Joan Baez

I'm back again with my "In Joan's Shoes" post, featuring people with the same name as I am, Joan.  Whether Joan is a guy, girl, famous, common, fiction, etc, I'll feature them in this brief post ;)

This week, meet JOAN BAEZ.

Born on January 9th 1941 in New York, Joan Baez is an American folk singer-songwriter. Not only a musician, she's also activist. She uses her music to send message about human rights,peace, and environmental justice, especially during the 60s.

The 1960s were a turbulent time in American history, and Joan Baez often used her music to express her social and political views. Her self-titled first album was released in 1960 and not long after its release she met the then-unknown singer-songwriter Bob Dylan.

In the early to mid-1960s, Joan Baez became an established folk artist as well as a voice for social change. She sang "We Shall Overcome" at the March on Washington in 1963 organized by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In addition to supporting civil rights, Baez also participated in the antiwar movement, calling for an end to the conflict in Vietnam. Beginning in 1964, she would refuse to pay part of her taxes to protest U.S. military spending for a decade. Baez was also arrested twice in 1967 in Oakland, California, for blocking an armed forces induction center. Near the decade's end, her autobiography,
Daybreak (1968), was released.

Baez continued to be active politically and musically in the 1970s. She helped establish the west coast branch of Amnesty International, a human rights organization, and released numerous albums, including the critically acclaimed
Diamonds and Rust (1975). In addition to touring, she also performed at many benefits and fund-raisers for social and political causes around the world.  (from :


If you asked me which one of her songs is my favourite up until now, my first answer would be "Donna, Donna". I first heard this song a long time ago. I remembered my uncle once hummed this song and my mother used to play it on cassete-player since she's so into the and 50s and 60s music (haha, ga heran kan kalau gue suka banget lagu jaman dulu XD).The song was so soothing and relaxing. I like sleeping while listening to "Donna, Donna". And of course.. the reason I love this song because its chorus. It seems it's really hard to get "Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna" melody out of my head.  Haha
Then, my second best would be "Altar Boy and the Thief". Here's a little trivia about this song. "Altar Boy and the Thief" is song dedicated to her gay fan based since she supports same sex relationship.

"Donna, Donna"

"Altar Boy and the Thief" a song dedicated to her gay fan based

Photo by Dana Tynan (2003)
Want to get to know more about the inspiring musician Joan Baez, visit her website:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wonderful Goodies :)

Yay, my package from the previous make-over event has come!!! Thanks, L'oreal :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Selamanya Cinta

Huaaa... akhirnya bisa menyelesaikan satu buku lagi.. *hattchuuu~*

Bukan.. bukan buku literatur buat kajian teori.. tapi buku novel yang judulnya adalah SELAMANYA CINTA karya Kireina Enno.

Ini seputar kisah seorang Dita Ananda. Dita  adalah seorang penulis novel romantis yang novelnya sedang marak diperbincangkan banyak orang. Saking bagusnya cerita yang dikarang Dita, banyak yang bertanya-tanya apakah cerita tersebut berdasarkan kisah nyata.

Ini juga kisah empat orang sahabat, Reina, Abe, Teddy, dan Dinda--tapi yang lebih terutama adalah Reina dan Abe. Keduanya bertolak belakang. Keduanya bersahabat. Keduanya hampir selalu berdua sampai dikira pacaran. Yaah, seandainya saja itu benar.

Selama tiga tahun Reina dan Abe bersahabat dan akhirnya juga saling suka, tidak sekalipun keduanya berani menyatakan perasaan masing-masing kepada satu sama lain. Semuanya juga atas nama 'persahabatan'.

My Thoughts
Jujur ya, gue bahkan enggak tahu kalau ini berasal dari post di blog. Baru tahunya saat membaca kata pengantar yang ada di buku ini. Jadi bener-bener membeli karena cap cip cup choco chip ajaib  dan karena gue lagi butuh hiburan.

However, gue cinta banget sama novel ini. Let me explain you how much I'm so into this novel.

Ehm... here we go...

 I so love this novel that even though I caught a flu, I couldn't sleep after finish reading it and felt that I had to review it first. Yes people, this review is fresh from the oven, written in 2.23 am, so hope you mind my absurd writing style  and wrong grammar here&there.

Alasan pertama adalah novel ini mengingatkan zaman gue masih SMA. Bukan, bukan zaman menjalin kasih sih, tapi zaman guesangat menikmati teen-lit. Eh, tapi in a way, memang keinget pengalaman pribadi pas SMA sih, terutama bagian ke perpustakaannya.

Alasan kedua, agak ketebak sih, ya karena si Abe itu. He's the typical bad boy who attracts readers. Suka cari masalah, dapat masalah, bikin masalah, and yet pembaca malah makin suka sama Abe. Bahkan gue sempat berpikir, "Ih, Harris kalau masih SMA kayak Abe kali ya. Bedanya kalo Harris nganterin bubur ayam, Abe nganterin roti.">> Jadi catet ya cowok-cowok, kegantengan cowok itu semakin bertambah ketika dia nganterin makanan buat cewek. *Halah! XD

Waktu pertama kali membaca bab-bab pertama, gue merasa yakin jalan ceritanya akan berakhir gimana. Tipikal sih, awalnya saling kurang suka, terus sahabatan, diam aja karena takut merusak persahabatan, eh paling juga jadian .

Apakah itu perkiraan gue beneran terjadi?? Yeah, tapi dengan twist yang seru banget--which takes us to the ULTIMATE reason why I love this novel. Nah, kalau review novel-novel gue yang sebelumnya, twistnya 'kan cuma sedikit-sedikit. Novel ini punya twist yang bener-bener beda, the kind of twist that I met in 'Test Pack'. Maklum ajalah, gue murni enggak pernah baca blognya Enno-san.  Iya, bagi yang belum baca blognya pasti bakal kaget banget sama akhir ceritanya. Jujur, gue merasa dipermainkan (in a good way kok). Sesaat gue  pikir pasti 'ini' yang akan terjadi, pasti 'ini' adalah 'ini'.. Pokoknya penggunaan nama tokohnya bener-bener membuat gue yakin dengan perkiraan gue, tapi JENG JENG~ ternyata dalam beberapa hal guesalah besar. Hahaha. 

Kesimpulannya: Walaupun temanya memang tipikal, tapi karena  gaya cerita dan twist yang berbeda, membuat buku ini seru dibaca dan wajib dijadikan koleksi .

Bersakit-sakit Dahulu, Bersenang-senang Kemudian...

 Pasti pada tahu kan perumpamaan "berakit-rakit ke hulu berenang-renang ketepian" yang selalu dilengkapi dengan kalimat "bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian". Kayaknya itu salah satu perumpamaan yang jadi hafalan waktu pelajaran SD. Yah, perumpamaan yang gue udah hafal di luar kepala, tapi sangat sulit untuk dipraktekan secara literal (secara gue ga pandai merakit, apalagi berenang) dan secara artinya. 

Gue sih dengan jujur lebih memilih kebalikannya. Dengan jujur pula, pilihan itu menyulitkan diri gue sendiri. Sayangnya, penyakit gue yang satu ini susat sembuh-sembuhnya. Sampai tahap bikin skripshit pun masih berlanjut. 

Tapi minggu lalu, gue ditegur banget. Di antara panjang lebarnya khotbat di gereja, si Pendeta sempat mengutip Roma 5: 3-4
Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance. ;  perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Dan bukan hanya itu saja. Kita malah bermegah juga dalam kesengsaraan kita, karena kita tahu, bahwa kesengsaraan itu menimbulkan ketekunan,
dan ketekunan menimbulkan tahan uji dan tahan uji menimbulkan pengharapan. 
Ayo,Joan, harus semangat ya bikin bab 2 dan seterusnya~~~
So, for tonight, I'd like to share an old song by Annette Hanshaw. Why old? Because it was produced in 1928. Haha, kurang lama apa coba? Maklumlah, saya agak addicted sama lagu-lagu yang diproduksi dari tahu 60an ke bawah.

 Tapi biarpun jadul dan agak mendayu-dayu, lagu ini bener-bener bikin semangat banget dan liriknya bagus deh. Waktu pertama kali gue denger, gue rasanya sih mau terharu karena merasa Annette menyanyikan ini untuk orang-orang kayak gue yang lagi patah semangat karena masalah yang dihadapi. Perumpamaanya make sense dan kalimat ini mengena banget di hati " Take your share of trouble, face it and don't complain.If you want the rainbow, you must have the rain."

Enjoy,teman-teman yang lagi galau skripshit ~

What does it matter if rain comes your way
and raindrops patter along?

The rain descending should not make you blue
The happy ending is waiting for you

Take your share of trouble, face it and don't complain
If you want the rainbow, you must have the rain.

Happiness comes double after a little pain
If you want the rainbow, you must have the rain.

What if your love affair should break up,
as they sometimes will
When you kiss and make up, boy what a thrill!

Sadness ends in gladness, showers are not in vain
If you want the rainbow, you must have the rain.

Look for brighter weather, oh watch for the Sun again
If you want the rainbow then you must have the rain.

Pull yourself together, whistle a happy strain
If you want the rainbow then you must have the rain.

So if your lucky star deserts you, and if shadows fall
Even though it hurts you, laugh through it all

Be a cheerful loser, you have the world to gain
If you want the rainbow, why, you just must have the rain.

That's all!

Hello, KTM!!!!

Akhirnya setelah bertahun-tahun merelakan KTM gue hilang sehabis bersepeda keliling UI (yang pakai acara jatoh secara tidak terhormat pula!), gue mendapatkan kartu KTM yang baru demi skripshit.. Yay!!!

Sebenernya bisa aja gue menyelesaikan perihal hilang KTM ini dari dulu.,tapi yaaah maklumlah saya ini MaMal, alias Mahasiswa Malas >.<

Dua bulan lalu, udah mau bikin yang baru gara-gara Cici menakut-nakuti gue bahwa gue ga bisa lulus tanpa KTM. Gue pun ke Rektorat membawa surat kehilangan dari polisi yang gue bikin di bulan sebelumnya pas liburan di kantor polisi deket rumah. Tapi hai ternyata, surat gue ditolak sama bapak'e! Katanya, surat gue udah kadaluwarsa. What??! T____T

Keinginan untuk mendapatkan KTM pun meredup.

Namum bulan ini, gue bertekad untuk mendapatkan KTM!!! Alhasil, pergilah gue melakukan ekspedisi UI Depok dengan rute kantor Satpam-Rektorat Lt. 4- BNI Perpus Pusat- PPSI- Fasilkom Gedung C-Dept. Ars-Fasilkom Gedung C. Setelah rute yang cukup melelahkan karena sempet salah masuk PPSI (harusnya ke fasilkom,gue malah yang ke di sebelah rektorat), akhirnya jadilah KTM saya. YAY!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Make Over by Shinjuku Premium Salon

Oh, iya..kemarin hari Kartini lho. Selamat Hari Kartini, seluruh perempuan Indonesia!! :)
Kalau Hari Kartini, jadi keingat  dressing up dengan baju daerah masa-masa TK deh. Oh well...
What had I been doing on Kartini's Day? I was at the new salon in town, Shinjuku Premium Salon.

After succeed being one of the best salon in Surabaya, Shinjuku Premium Salon's owner, Mr.Audid, decided to opened another branch here in Jakarta. Its concept are simple : Beautiful hair with low maintenace. So no more hair dry, hot roll, and bad hair day.

You can found Shinjuku Premium on 1st floor at Kuningan City, Jakarta.

@Silphee and me were one of the 4 lucky readers who's been chosen by Clever Girl ( to go there. She came to its grand opening last week, and had the opportunity with her sister to choose 4 lucky reader who will get free hair treatment. :)
photo source :

I love its interior.  At first glance, you'll realize this is a top salon by its design and choice of floor material. It's simple,yet elegant. Though the place rather small, but the designer is so clever to make it not felt so stifling. Tiap ruang tempat duduk dibatasi dengan panel yang fungsinya juga sebagai meja rias. Selain itu cermin meja rias tidak dipasang secara penuh sepanjang meja rias, melainkan hanya sebesar satu kursi. Jadi, selain kita bisa melihat siapa yang ada di seberang kita, yang ruangnya juga tidak terkesan sempit.

I don't know what its concept really is, but I really like the front seating area. It reminds me of those backstage make up table I've seen in movies. 

Also, I like its washing area. On the ceiling, they placed a mirror. At first, I felt so awkward looking upward and found my reflection on the ceiling. Tapi lama kelamaan terbiasa juga sih. Kan bagus juga supaya kita tahu kayak gimana sih proses pencucian rambut itu. Ada buktinyakan kalo mbak/mas memang mengeramas rambut kita pakai shampoo,bukan pakai sabun cuci piring. (Just kidding. Ya mana mungkin sih orang salon tega nyuci rambut enggak pake shampoo,Jo?!!) Enggak cuma itu aja, enak banget nih kalo lagi nyalon bareng temen, jadi saat lagi dicuci,kita bisa ngobrol sama temen di samping kita. Yah, at least,lumayan juga lha buat melirik-lirik siapa tahu di sebelah kita ada cowok ganteng lagi dikeramas juga. Hahaha.

Kita sudahi dulu babbling soal interior ini. Mari lanjut ke kegiatan hari itu.

Each of us had a consultation about our hair problem with Mr. Audid. After consulting, then Mr. Audid decided what kind of treatment our hair would have. Oh iya, treatment di sini akhirnya bukan sekedar treatment kayak creambath,blow,hairspa gitu lho. Instead, dia malah menawarkan supaya para lucky readers juga ikutan di-make over. Katanya biar lebih kerasa perbedaannya gitu. Walah, saya sih senang-senang saja. Horeee :D

My recent hair condition as you read on the previous post, is permed hair. Menurut Ko' Audid, panjang rambut saya udah pas kok. Selain itu, tipe wajah saya adalah tipe yang cocok dengan jenis rambut apa aja. (Hihihi, jadi malu) But since it's a basic permed, it doesn't fix my hair's texture. Karena tekstur rambut gue ngembang dan kaku, keriting gue yang sekarang walaupun bisa bertahan lama tanpa disisir, keritingnya ikutan frizzy dan berantakan.
Oh iya, Ko' Audid juga ngejelasin sebenarnya entah itu mau di-smoothing atau dikeriting, kita harus hati-hati memilih salon. Ada salon yang meng-overprocessed rambut kita, alias karena kelamaan didiamin dan tekniknya enggak bener.Nah kalau sudah begitu, enggak heran hasilnya jadi enggak memuaskan, terutama ujung-ujung rambut kita bisa patah atau krenyes-krenyes bengkok gitu.

So what will I get for my make over? A haircut and Digiwave.

What's a digiwave? No, I'm not talking about satelite. Digital Wave or as people prefer to call it "Digiwave"  is the newest technique to curly your hair. What's so cool about it is that it gives you the right amount of wave. Not too curly, but wavy enough and give more volume to your hair. Not only that, it gives soft texture for your hair,too.

Prosesnya memang memakan waktu berjam-jam sih. Tapi, secara udah 10 tahun meluruskan dan memacem-macemin rambut di salon, I'm used to it.

 First, I got my hair cut and I have  Front Straight Bangs again. What I like about my new bangs is THAT it follows my eyebrow line so it looks more natural than the old front bangs..

 Then, they gave me a smoothing treatment with L'oreal Extenso product. Its smell is really different from Makarizo's. If Makarizo's smells like a cookie dough, L'oreal Extenso smell almost like fruit. Shinjuku Premium sure have a well-trained employee and supported by great product. Biasanya, saat rambut saya ditarik-tarik, 5 menit kemudian ujungnya jadi krenyes-keriting gitu. Saat dicatok pun, keriting rusaknya tetap berbekas Eh, saat ditarik oleh pegawai di sini, hasil smoothingnya benar-benar smooth dan lurus lho.

Proses selanjutnya adalah digital wave itu sendiri. Petama-tama,tiap bagian rambut dilapisi dengan kain tebal dulu. Katanya, supaya nanti kulit kepalanya enggak kepanasan. Kemudian, barulah rambut diroll. Nah, yang membuat digiwave berbeda dari proses keriting lainnya, roll rambutnya punya plug! Ternyata disebut digi wave karena rambut nanti akan dialiri energi panas lewat kabel-kabel yang menghubungkan rol dengan mesin digital wavenya.  Honestly,saat kabel mesinnya udah disambungkan ke rol rambut, saya merasa seperti Chii di Chobits or Neo di The Matrix. Yeah, I felt like those character who's being plugged for recharging or going to another dimension.. Gimana enggak, udah disambung ke mesih, juga kerasa banget rasa panas dari mesin yang sedang me-digiwave rambut. Kepala saya sampai keringatan lho. hahaha.

Chii from CHOBITS

Makanya setelah proses yang tadi, kepala saya terasa sangat super duper ringan setelah rol-rol itu dilepaskan dari kepala saya. Haha..

Proses terakhir adalah menetralkan rambut supaya hasil digi-wavenya lebih alami dan tahan lama. Setelah dinetralkan, dibilas, dan distylist... TA-DA~~~
Here's how I looked like :)

Digiwave Process
Since Shinjuku Premium Salon just opened, they offer you a great deal:  30% FOR ALL SERVICE!!!
  Also, you'll get compliments like massage, drinks, snack, and souvenirs.
So, what are you waiting for, visit Shinjuku Premium Salon  :)

Ow, and here are another photos from our activity yesterday:

click this picture to read @Silphee's make over
Photo by :

Mr. Audid (Man wearing red stripe shirts) and his people of SHINJUKU PREMIUM SALON for their wonderful job.
Ci Carnellin (Beautiful Lady wearing stripe choco-black shirts) from   for giving me the invitation.
Click Carnellin's picture to read her post about this day

Tina from for  pictures  I did not have the time to take it.
Click Tina's picture to read her post about today

Silphee from sebagai teman seperjalanan hingga akhirnya kami tidak tersesat, sampai di tujuan dengan selamat tanpa kekurangan suatu apapun.

eva-mendes unseen pics

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Super Junior - Marry U

At last!!! Super Junior is coming to Jakarta!!!

Darn, I can't go to their concert. Hiks :'(

Oh well, since I can't go, I'd like to share my favourite song from Super Junior :

I know...I know.. this is a very old song. However from all of those songs Super Junior has ever sang from time to time, this one is definitely my favourite.  The lyric's just too sweet and romantic. 

The Korean version is already sweet. However, since I understand Japanese more than  Korean,  I tend to smile and giggle  like an idiot every time I listen to its Japanese version.

I'm so in love with this song, I'll definitely put this song on my wedding reception playlist when I got married in the future. Or at least, I'd like my future fiance will play this song--if not sing--when he propose me. haha XD

Here's the MV.

The Japanese Version

The Original Version:

Look at their hairstyle!!! Haha. Omoo, how I missed this original format of Super Junior :') Nobody's absent. Shindong still chubby dan belum ber-eyelid. Hangeng belum keluar. Heechul masih cantik dan belum botak. Kangin belum ikutan wamil.. 

Eh, speaking of Kangin, I'd like to congratulate Kangin-oppa for finishing his duty in the military. Welcome back, Oppa! I hope to see you singing and being funny  with SuJu member again soon :D

Lyrics Translation:
Love, oh baby my girl
You are my everything
My dazzlingly beautiful bride
You are a gift from god
We'll be very happy, your black eyes well up with tears
Even if your black memerizing hair turns white
My love, you my love, I swear I love you

Saying I love you is what I want to do the most everyday in my life
Would you marry me? I want to love you, treasure you, and live with you
I want you to lean on my shoulders each time you sleep
Would you marry me?
With this heart of mine, will you accept me?

To accompany you for the whole lifetime, I do
To love you, I do
Regardless of snow and rain, i will be there to protect you, I do
Let me be the one to protect you, my love

you wearing the white bridal gown
Me wearing the suit
Both of us walking in sync towards the stars and moon, I swear
No lies, no suspicion
My dearest princess, stay with me

Even if we are becoming older, we will smile and live on
Would you marry me? Are you willing to live the rest of your life with me?

no matter how weary and tired we are, I do
I will always be by your side, I do
The days when we will spend together, I do
Everyday will my heart be thankful, my love

I have prepared this (ring) for you since a long time ago,
Please take this shiny ring in my hand
Just like the mood today, remember the promise that we're making now
Would you marry me?

To accompany you for the whole lifetime,I do
To love you, I do
Regardless of snow and rain, I will be there to protect you, I do
Let me be the one to protect you, my love

The only thing that I can give you is love
Although it's insignificant
Even though there are areas which I lack
I will protect the love between us, me and you
Let's make a promise, no matter what happens we will still be in love
And even so...

I do
I will always be by your side, I do
The days when we will spend together, I do
Everyday will my heart be thankful, my love
Will you marry me? I do

lyrics translation are taken from : I think this one has the most correct translation.

Run This Town Tonight

Feel it comin' in the air
Hear the screams from everywhere

 I'm addicted to the thrill
It's a dangerous love affair

Can't be scared when it goes down
Got a problem, tell me now
Only thing that's on my mind
Is who's gonna run this town tonight...

We gonna run this town tonight
 Model : Elina Ivanova (America's Next Top Model of cycle 11)
Photo: Mike Chard 

Lyrics: Jay Z- Run This Town

Ho Hum!

Hello Spring time
Gee, I'm glad to see you again..

All the world is sweet once again
Heaven is at my feet once again
Ho hum, lazy weather
Ho hum, Feeling like a feather
Model : Nicole Fox (America's Next Top Model winner of cycle 13)
Photo by : Sisilia Piring
credit to:
Lyrics : Annette Hanshaw- Ho Hum!