Saturday, April 21, 2012

Make Over by Shinjuku Premium Salon

Oh, iya..kemarin hari Kartini lho. Selamat Hari Kartini, seluruh perempuan Indonesia!! :)
Kalau Hari Kartini, jadi keingat  dressing up dengan baju daerah masa-masa TK deh. Oh well...
What had I been doing on Kartini's Day? I was at the new salon in town, Shinjuku Premium Salon.

After succeed being one of the best salon in Surabaya, Shinjuku Premium Salon's owner, Mr.Audid, decided to opened another branch here in Jakarta. Its concept are simple : Beautiful hair with low maintenace. So no more hair dry, hot roll, and bad hair day.

You can found Shinjuku Premium on 1st floor at Kuningan City, Jakarta.

@Silphee and me were one of the 4 lucky readers who's been chosen by Clever Girl ( to go there. She came to its grand opening last week, and had the opportunity with her sister to choose 4 lucky reader who will get free hair treatment. :)
photo source :

I love its interior.  At first glance, you'll realize this is a top salon by its design and choice of floor material. It's simple,yet elegant. Though the place rather small, but the designer is so clever to make it not felt so stifling. Tiap ruang tempat duduk dibatasi dengan panel yang fungsinya juga sebagai meja rias. Selain itu cermin meja rias tidak dipasang secara penuh sepanjang meja rias, melainkan hanya sebesar satu kursi. Jadi, selain kita bisa melihat siapa yang ada di seberang kita, yang ruangnya juga tidak terkesan sempit.

I don't know what its concept really is, but I really like the front seating area. It reminds me of those backstage make up table I've seen in movies. 

Also, I like its washing area. On the ceiling, they placed a mirror. At first, I felt so awkward looking upward and found my reflection on the ceiling. Tapi lama kelamaan terbiasa juga sih. Kan bagus juga supaya kita tahu kayak gimana sih proses pencucian rambut itu. Ada buktinyakan kalo mbak/mas memang mengeramas rambut kita pakai shampoo,bukan pakai sabun cuci piring. (Just kidding. Ya mana mungkin sih orang salon tega nyuci rambut enggak pake shampoo,Jo?!!) Enggak cuma itu aja, enak banget nih kalo lagi nyalon bareng temen, jadi saat lagi dicuci,kita bisa ngobrol sama temen di samping kita. Yah, at least,lumayan juga lha buat melirik-lirik siapa tahu di sebelah kita ada cowok ganteng lagi dikeramas juga. Hahaha.

Kita sudahi dulu babbling soal interior ini. Mari lanjut ke kegiatan hari itu.

Each of us had a consultation about our hair problem with Mr. Audid. After consulting, then Mr. Audid decided what kind of treatment our hair would have. Oh iya, treatment di sini akhirnya bukan sekedar treatment kayak creambath,blow,hairspa gitu lho. Instead, dia malah menawarkan supaya para lucky readers juga ikutan di-make over. Katanya biar lebih kerasa perbedaannya gitu. Walah, saya sih senang-senang saja. Horeee :D

My recent hair condition as you read on the previous post, is permed hair. Menurut Ko' Audid, panjang rambut saya udah pas kok. Selain itu, tipe wajah saya adalah tipe yang cocok dengan jenis rambut apa aja. (Hihihi, jadi malu) But since it's a basic permed, it doesn't fix my hair's texture. Karena tekstur rambut gue ngembang dan kaku, keriting gue yang sekarang walaupun bisa bertahan lama tanpa disisir, keritingnya ikutan frizzy dan berantakan.
Oh iya, Ko' Audid juga ngejelasin sebenarnya entah itu mau di-smoothing atau dikeriting, kita harus hati-hati memilih salon. Ada salon yang meng-overprocessed rambut kita, alias karena kelamaan didiamin dan tekniknya enggak bener.Nah kalau sudah begitu, enggak heran hasilnya jadi enggak memuaskan, terutama ujung-ujung rambut kita bisa patah atau krenyes-krenyes bengkok gitu.

So what will I get for my make over? A haircut and Digiwave.

What's a digiwave? No, I'm not talking about satelite. Digital Wave or as people prefer to call it "Digiwave"  is the newest technique to curly your hair. What's so cool about it is that it gives you the right amount of wave. Not too curly, but wavy enough and give more volume to your hair. Not only that, it gives soft texture for your hair,too.

Prosesnya memang memakan waktu berjam-jam sih. Tapi, secara udah 10 tahun meluruskan dan memacem-macemin rambut di salon, I'm used to it.

 First, I got my hair cut and I have  Front Straight Bangs again. What I like about my new bangs is THAT it follows my eyebrow line so it looks more natural than the old front bangs..

 Then, they gave me a smoothing treatment with L'oreal Extenso product. Its smell is really different from Makarizo's. If Makarizo's smells like a cookie dough, L'oreal Extenso smell almost like fruit. Shinjuku Premium sure have a well-trained employee and supported by great product. Biasanya, saat rambut saya ditarik-tarik, 5 menit kemudian ujungnya jadi krenyes-keriting gitu. Saat dicatok pun, keriting rusaknya tetap berbekas Eh, saat ditarik oleh pegawai di sini, hasil smoothingnya benar-benar smooth dan lurus lho.

Proses selanjutnya adalah digital wave itu sendiri. Petama-tama,tiap bagian rambut dilapisi dengan kain tebal dulu. Katanya, supaya nanti kulit kepalanya enggak kepanasan. Kemudian, barulah rambut diroll. Nah, yang membuat digiwave berbeda dari proses keriting lainnya, roll rambutnya punya plug! Ternyata disebut digi wave karena rambut nanti akan dialiri energi panas lewat kabel-kabel yang menghubungkan rol dengan mesin digital wavenya.  Honestly,saat kabel mesinnya udah disambungkan ke rol rambut, saya merasa seperti Chii di Chobits or Neo di The Matrix. Yeah, I felt like those character who's being plugged for recharging or going to another dimension.. Gimana enggak, udah disambung ke mesih, juga kerasa banget rasa panas dari mesin yang sedang me-digiwave rambut. Kepala saya sampai keringatan lho. hahaha.

Chii from CHOBITS

Makanya setelah proses yang tadi, kepala saya terasa sangat super duper ringan setelah rol-rol itu dilepaskan dari kepala saya. Haha..

Proses terakhir adalah menetralkan rambut supaya hasil digi-wavenya lebih alami dan tahan lama. Setelah dinetralkan, dibilas, dan distylist... TA-DA~~~
Here's how I looked like :)

Digiwave Process
Since Shinjuku Premium Salon just opened, they offer you a great deal:  30% FOR ALL SERVICE!!!
  Also, you'll get compliments like massage, drinks, snack, and souvenirs.
So, what are you waiting for, visit Shinjuku Premium Salon  :)

Ow, and here are another photos from our activity yesterday:

click this picture to read @Silphee's make over
Photo by :

Mr. Audid (Man wearing red stripe shirts) and his people of SHINJUKU PREMIUM SALON for their wonderful job.
Ci Carnellin (Beautiful Lady wearing stripe choco-black shirts) from   for giving me the invitation.
Click Carnellin's picture to read her post about this day

Tina from for  pictures  I did not have the time to take it.
Click Tina's picture to read her post about today

Silphee from sebagai teman seperjalanan hingga akhirnya kami tidak tersesat, sampai di tujuan dengan selamat tanpa kekurangan suatu apapun.

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