Monday, April 2, 2012

Namanya juga suka....

 Salah satu topik yang gue, Sendy, dan Manda bahas waktu hangout di Sevel adalah masalah mantan pacar/ gebetan. Tentu saja, karena selama 22 tahun hidup gue  I’ve never been in a relationship, my case would be about my high school crush. Long story short, it didn't last that long because I realized he's not the one.

My conversation with my friends reminded me of one scene from Marjane Satrapi's graphic novel, Embroideries. She was falling in love with one guy. Then that guy became his boyfriend. Everything seems so beautiful and going right for her. 

Well, that happened until she found out the truth: he slept with another girl. Then she realized how stupid she was. All this time she's been so crazy about him, she didn't realize the bad side of him. Setelah dipikir-pikir, ampun deh, tuh cowok enggak banget!!!!

Kasus gue sih emang enggak separah si Marjane. Gue dan dia emang enggak pernah sampai ke tahap jadian. Jadi enggak ada tuh kejadian gue sakit hati karena tuh cowok tidur sama cewek lain. Tapi gue bisa ngerti sih perasaan Marjane. 

Kalau di kasus gue, saking sukanya, gue bela-belain entah gimana caranya harus ketemu sama dia. Entah itu ajakan terselubung, foto diem-diem, duh pokoknya tindakan-tindakan yang memalukan deh. Saat itu gue enggak peduli pandangan orang. Yang penting gue bisa melihat dia. Gue juga enggak sadar dengan tanda-tanda dari jagad raya bahwa sebenarnya dia tuh sangat enggak gentleman. Baru setelah gue mengenal dia lebih jauh akhirnya gue sadar  bahwa  he's not worth my efforts.

Hmm.. It's kinda funny, you know. It's all started with love at first sight. You barely knew this guy, but you like him. Every time you're with him, life seems prettier for you. You even think he might be "The One" and willing to do anything for him.  

But once the spark's gone because you found out the ugly truth about him,  suddenly all of his bad sides became so clear to you. It turns you off. You don't like him anymore. Then, you'd say, "How did I fall in love to that idiot guy?". 

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