Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lesson Of The Day

Today's my first day at the gym again for this week. Yeah, been really lazy the past week. Only went there 1 time last week and no rpm class at all. So today, I joined RPM class twice in a row. Lot of sweats produced and really glad about it.

Before we hit the rpm class. Me and my pal, Tika, were doing some weight lift  exercising. She's doing some exercise for her biceps while I'm exercising my triceps  because my triceps is so wobbly. In that session, Tika refused to do the triceps training because pushing the weight tools was much harder. Yeah, somehow all gym devices for training your triceps are made so that your hand can push something while biceps are trained with pulling something. That thought got me thinking:

"It turns out pushing are much harder than pulling something."

I know the feeling. I mean, it's soo hard to push that device with my hand. I only made it to 5-7 counts before I rest my arms. Arrgh, so much for making my lower arms not wobbly :(

I think that statement's not only fits for weight training. Sometimes it occurs in life,too. It's so much easier to pull yourself out from trouble. It's so much easier to pull yourself from society. It so much harder  for mother to push a baby out from her self.  It's so much harder to push yourself to the limit and face the reality.

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