Friday, November 11, 2011

Joan Loves.... ditraktir nonton "The Adventures of Tintin"

Yo again,minna-san.

Hari ini gue ditraktir oleh cici gue di kopitiam dan enggak cuma itu.. Gue ditraktir nonton Tintin.Hihihi,makasih Cici.

Oke,ini emang rada dadakan. Gue janjian ketemuan setelah dia selesai persiapan di gereja dan gue selesai body combat di CF. Awalnya cuma nongkrong di kopitiam aja. Suddenly dia ngajak nonton Tintin hari ini juga. Padahal rencananya kita baru akan nonton hari Minggu nanti. Gue agak kaget juga sih, I mean we're at the mall on 8.30pm dan jadwal filmnya yang paling cepet adalah jam 9.10 pm.. But hey, kalo udah rezeki jangan ditolak 'kan ya?

Come to my surprise,ternyata banyak juga yang nonton tintin pas midnight. Posisi duduk 2 orang di atas tuh cuma bagian pojok-pojok aja, sisanya harus rela duduk di bagian depan and we all know, duduk di baris depan tuh sangat bikin leher pegal-pegal. Jadi gue piloh aja seat c22-23.

Kalo menurut gue sih asik-asik aja duduk di pojokan ,tepat di atas lorong masuk penonton,dan depan gue langsung pagar pembatas. Gue pribadi kadang-kadang suka terganggu nonton dengan bagian bawah pandangan gue ada kepala orang(yang enggak jarang main hp. layar hpnya itu lho kalo nyala,ganggu banget!). Jadi dengan posisi gue  yang seperti itu, gue bisa sedikit berkonsentrasi nontonnya.


Set in the 1930s, Tintin's (Jamie Bell) adventure starts at a market place in Brussels. A few seconds after he purchases a miniature sailing ship he gets exorbitant offers to sell it off. He learns that the miniature is a replica of a 17th century sailing ship called the Unicorn.

Apparently the Unicorn was navigated by Captain Haddock's (Andy Serkis) ancestor and was carrying huge treasures in its vaults when it was raided and sunk by the pirates. This ancestor was the only person who knew the exact location of the sunken treasures. So he left behind a clue on a parchment in the three identical miniatures of the Unicorn. (source:

My thought

Unlike my big sis who's so excited to see this movie, I'm pretty much the opposite. what can i say, i'm not a big fan of Tintin. Don't get me wrong i like the story. Tiap ada sisa waktu di kelas lab bahasa inggris waktu SD dulu, atau saat ditayangin di TV(dengan pengisi suaranya Tintin adalah orang yang sama dengan yang mengisi suara Gon dari hunter x hunter), gue cukup sering nonton Tintin. Like it,but never love it as much as I love Matilda or Narnia.

Plus the factor that Steven Spielbierg made this movie. Gue agak skeptis sih pas tahu direktur yang satu itu ikut campur tangan. I mean, we all know hoe Steven loves sci-fi and dinosaur. It was fun for me when I was little,but not anymore. And the last time he remade old movie, Indiana Jones (remember that one?), he put sci-fi's  spices in the movie which ruined the fun  and excited factor for me. Gue  udah terpukau dengan alur ceritanya, ehh malah berakhir karena itu semua masih ada hubungannya dengan alien. Jadi wajar aja kalo gue curiga dia bakal naro bumbu-bumbu alien lagi dan merusak cerita Tintin.

But,fyuuh..thank goodness he didn't go there.

I enjoy this movie. It's still has the serious factor from Tintin, the cuteness of Snowy, gobloknya pasangan Thompson & Thomson, and of course the Haddock yang juga lucu.

My fav scene would be:

1. Saat Haddock dan Tintin diselamatkan oleh pasukan di Bhaggar. Si Haddock dikasih minum spiritus sama si Snowy and he's gone wild. It's hilarious.

2. Saat  Thompson&Thomson udah di rumah Mr.Silk si pencopet. Si Mr.Silknya udah jelas-jelas ngaku kalo dia pelakunya, eh duo interpol itu malah asik berdebat. haahaha

3. The best part is when Tintin was about to give up and Haddock gave him the pep talk yang cukup bisa menginspire gue Since quotenya enggak ada di IMDB,i can't paste the exact line for you, but it goes something like this:

"Many people want to call you a failure, (starting from this,gue rada-rada lupa) a loser, and idiot, but you NEVER call yourself a failure."

Kalo dari segi animasi, KEREN PARAH! Mereka berhasil membuat gue terkagum-kagum dengan artworknya. My fav one would be transisi dari satu scene ke scene lainnya, kayak dari Haddock yg lagi ngedayung perahu ke scene Thompson&Thomson, terus juga pas di gurun saat Haddock mengalami flashback dari cerita leluhurnya. Yang bikin gue terkagum-kagum lagi adalah saat di tempat Salaad dan aksi kejar-kejaran Tintin & Sackharine.

However, gue harus jujur, ada dua hal yang  bikin gue rada sreg. Agak ga penting sih, but still..

1) Mereka( termasuk si pahlawan kita Tintin) udah merusak properti rumah masyarakat di Bhaggar. Enggak cuma itu, pas di bagian akhir di pelabuhan juga ngerusak properti orang, tapi kok ga ditangkep polisi ya? :p

2)Gue ngerti sih kalau mereka mau mencoba menghidupkan para karakter. Konsekuensinya,pasti akan ada yang enggak terlalu mirip dengan kartun aslinya. Nah yang bikin gue sreg, dari semua tokoh yang mungkin bisa beda dari kartunnya, tokoh itu adalah TINTIN. He looks weird when I look at him for the first time.

[caption id="attachment_941" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="Tintin versi cgi"][/caption]

It's not an epic animation of the year, but it's still watchable. It has a decent plot,not boring(at least for me), witty scenes here and there, and has some good messages for kids, too(mostly about not giving up).  Since it only has male characters in it, don't expect some romantic scenes, ladies..

For  a 1st part of trilogy, I'd give it 7,9/10. Looking forward to the next Tintin movie


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